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Only losers fight over on what game is better - Printable Version

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Only losers fight over on what game is better - BuildistGuard - 11-27-2011

Fighting over on what game is better is just childish, just like the console wars. Just let others have fun, don't spoil it, Just keep it to yourself. Fighting over on what game is better is what fanboys do. Like for example below:

Roblox Fanboy: hey roblox is better than buildism.
Buildism fanboy: Roblox sucks, go play Buildism.
BuildistGuard: Only losers fight over on what game is better, get a life and go play the games you like, not fight over on what game is better.
Roblox fanboy: ok l0l.
Buildism Fanboy: I finally have to agree with you.

Same thing goes for movies and music.

RE: Only losers fight over on what game is better - lol - 11-27-2011

holy aluminum sheet i need to find an image macro that fits perfectly with this thread

RE: Only losers fight over on what game is better - Slendurrman - 11-27-2011

Did you just describe yourself? mmmmhhmmmmmm

RE: Only losers fight over on what game is better - BuildistGuard - 11-27-2011

Yep, Arguing on the internet is like participating in the Special Olympics, even if you win, your still retarded(no offense to anyone that is disabled).

RE: Only losers fight over on what game is better - Fat_Sacks - 11-27-2011

(11-27-2011, 08:33 AM)BuildistGuard Wrote: Yep, Arguing on the internet is like participating in the Special Olympics, even if you win, your still retarded(no offense to anyone that is disabled).

Now that is just uncalled for. And how can you NOT take offense in that even if you aren't disabled?

RE: Only losers fight over on what game is better - Hippo - 11-27-2011

(11-27-2011, 08:33 AM)BuildistGuard Wrote: Yep, Arguing on the internet is like participating in the Special Olympics, even if you win, your still retarded(no offense to anyone that is disabled).

- 1,000,000,000,000 respect points

RE: Only losers fight over on what game is better - Tyler - 11-27-2011

(11-27-2011, 03:48 AM)BuildistGuard Wrote: Roblox sucks, go play Buildism.

Hypocrite much?

RE: Only losers fight over on what game is better - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 11-27-2011

(11-27-2011, 08:33 AM)BuildistGuard Wrote: Yep, Arguing on the internet is like participating in the Special Olympics, even if you win, your still retarded(no offense to anyone that is disabled).

Using that metaphor is like arguing on the internet, it just makes everyone angry but doesn't accomplish anything.

RE: Only losers fight over on what game is better - Dignity - 11-27-2011

(11-27-2011, 05:43 PM)Jacob_ Wrote: Using that metaphor is like arguing on the internet, it just makes everyone angry but doesn't accomplish anything.

RE: Only losers fight over on what game is better - Who - 11-28-2011

I don't think it is a problem, people just want to express their opinion, that's how an argue starts, then they will likely start insulting each other and they will both end up angry. But after all it's just another internet fight, nobody will care for it neither remember.