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A unpublished feature? - Printable Version

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A unpublished feature? - Jordan4762 - 01-02-2012


RE: A unpublished feature? - BuildistGuard - 01-02-2012

That is so cool! I'm going to create our own clan, called "Knights of Buildism" Anyways, where did you find it?

RE: A unpublished feature? - Jordan4762 - 01-02-2012

The source code of the website
There is some problem with the tag apparently

RE: A unpublished feature? - Paradox - 01-02-2012

I knew about that for a while now. Jacob_ was working on it but I don't know what happened.

RE: A unpublished feature? - Ashely - 01-02-2012

I got Jacob to make that, I guess he stopped working on it.

RE: A unpublished feature? - Qwertygiy - 01-02-2012

I figured out how to view clans :>


RE: A unpublished feature? - Tyler - 01-02-2012

My pure genius:


RE: A unpublished feature? - Dignity - 01-03-2012

An* Unpublished Feature

RE: An unpublished feature? - Qwertygiy - 01-03-2012

A Published* Feature

RE: A unpublished feature? - Dignity - 01-03-2012

A Somewhat Published Feature*