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My BS story for my form tutor - Printable Version

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My BS story for my form tutor - Mustachio - 01-12-2012

I found an old extract in a little book when I used when I was 7, about a some un-describable person. I have no clue what you would call a knife throwing person in a scream mask with some blonde-brown hair hybrid. It was January 19th 2007, and I was walking home with one of my friends named Ryan, it looked pretty quiet down the road so we decided to run, that was until, some person in black trousers and a red jumper jumped out of a bush wearing a scream mask and holding a rusty knife. The "thing" made a warcry like a native american and threw a knife into my shoulder, not only did it scare the crap out of me, but the knife was painful. My friend ripped it out of my shoulder and threw it at the thing that was revealed to be a girl around the age of 11 with blonde-brown hair, it missed but ripped off the mask and hit one of his friends through the chest. The "thing" looked back and put its middle finger up at us. We didn't see it anymore after that, we suspect they got arrested. Once the police and ambulances arrived, Ryan told me it was some Year 6 girl named Abbie Smith, who also happened to be one of our friends. My wound was only minor so it only needed a wrap of plasters. 4 years later, the strangest thing happened:
In June or July, I can't remember, I met a girl who had an amazing resembelance to this "thing", red jumper, black trousers, similar face and same first name. When I found out, I was completely terrified and nearly crapped myself. I was thinking what if she owns a scream mask, what if she threw the knife through me!? What if she does it again? Luckily, she hasn't done anything of the sort yet. Each time I see her I get scared that she might have a scream mask and a rusty knife. Now I have a solution and hide in a room with my friends.

It is can either be true or BS, but it has to be believable. A lot of these events were exaggerated.

RE: My BS story for my form tutor - Duck - 01-13-2012

1/10 would not watch again