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So, I'm going to attempt to impress my science teachers - Printable Version

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So, I'm going to attempt to impress my science teachers - Mustachio - 03-19-2012

By building, a very small plane. My uncle believes I have the abilities to do this and I'm taking it on.

By next Thursday, I am going to attempt to make a working aeroplane. If I'm correct, Thrust can be achieved by using a motor to spin propellers shaped in an aerofoil. Considering this is to prove how simple a plane is, I will only be using household items - so a home-made motor has to be achieved. After research, I've figured that a motor can be made using a flat headed screw, a metal disc, a big battery(D and up) and some copper wire. These will go inside my near enough destroyed lucozade bottle connecting to the propellers coming out of the top of the bottle.

Then comes lift. After more research, this is achieved by the shape of the wings and thrust acting upon the plane - this may be why cars don't fly. I believe the wing shape is again, an aerofoil.


RE: So, I'm going to attempt to impress my science teachers - Qwertygiy - 03-19-2012

So basically a model airplane made out of random junk.

It should be possible. However, it surviving the intial X dozen attempts at flight which may or may not work is another thing... better have some spare junk lying around just in case.

RE: So, I'm going to attempt to impress my science teachers - Mustachio - 03-19-2012

(03-19-2012, 11:48 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: So basically a model airplane made out of random junk.

It should be possible. However, it surviving the intial X dozen attempts at flight which may or may not work is another thing... better have some spare junk lying around just in case.

Flying is one thing, and that's my main goal. Surviving, that would be amazing.

RE: So, I'm going to attempt to impress my science teachers - simonheros - 03-20-2012

I think I clearly got this.

[Image: hovercraft-deflated.jpg]

RE: So, I'm going to attempt to impress my science teachers - Qwertygiy - 03-20-2012

(03-20-2012, 12:18 AM)simonheros Wrote: I think I clearly got this.

[Image: hovercraft-deflated.jpg]

That is obviously not an airplane.

It's a mutated frisbee with a brain.

RE: So, I'm going to attempt to impress my science teachers - Mustachio - 03-20-2012

(03-20-2012, 12:18 AM)simonheros Wrote: I think I clearly got this.

[Image: hovercraft-deflated.jpg]

Error 404: Copper wire, metal discs, battery, flat headed screws, lucozade bottle, plastic wings and propellers shaped into an aerofoil not found.

RE: So, I'm going to attempt to impress my science teachers - simonheros - 03-20-2012

(03-20-2012, 11:17 AM)Mustachio Wrote:
(03-20-2012, 12:18 AM)simonheros Wrote: I think I clearly got this.

[Image: hovercraft-deflated.jpg]

Error 404: Copper wire, metal discs, battery, flat headed screws, lucozade bottle, plastic wings and propellers shaped into an aerofoil not found.

I think I see where I need to go with this.
[Image: paper-helicopter.png]

[Image: paper-helicopter.jpg]

RE: So, I'm going to attempt to impress my science teachers - Fat_Sacks - 03-21-2012

2 different choppars bro.

Also, you will need to make a way to controls the plane's wing shape, or else it will stay on the ground.