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How do I stop this girl from moving like a car - Printable Version

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How do I stop this girl from moving like a car - Duck - 04-28-2012

[Image: scaled.php?server=545&filename=girlmobil...es=landing]

In top down mode

RE: How do I stop this girl from moving like a car - Qwertygiy - 04-28-2012

Try adding a Fixed Rotation.

RE: How do I stop this girl from moving like a car - Duck - 04-28-2012

(04-28-2012, 01:19 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Try adding a Fixed Rotation.

Didn't work :/

RE: How do I stop this girl from moving like a car - Fat_Sacks - 04-28-2012

Oh, I was about to say empty her gas tank.
Is it more than one part?

RE: How do I stop this girl from moving like a car - Kieron - 04-28-2012

Add this script into her body(That's what she said):

while true do
script.Parent.Rotation = 0

RE: How do I stop this girl from moving like a car - Jacob__mybb_import1 - 04-28-2012

Try putting this script in the RotationController:
local c = script.Parent
local p = c.Parent
link(c.PropertyChanged, function(k, v)
c.Velocity = 0
p.Rotation = 0
Top down mode is only designed to work with characters viewed from the top, so you'll have to use a tool for horizontal movement to work.

RE: How do I stop this girl from moving like a car - Excel - 05-19-2012

(04-28-2012, 10:01 AM)Duck Wrote: [Image: scaled.php?server=545&filename=girlmobil...es=landing]

In top down mode