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Paranormal Thread - Printable Version

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Paranormal Thread - Leonartist - 07-12-2012

Have you ever seen a ghost? Were you abducted by aliens? Have you been possessed by a demon? Share it all in this thread. No flaming other posters. This is a serious thread.

RE: Paranormal Thread - Ghosty - 07-12-2012

It's of my opinion that everything "paranormal" is just something you look at and go "What the heck is that?! Z0MG IT MUST BE A SPOOKABLE OR A HEFFAWOOZLE OR SOMETHING PANIC AND FEAR PANIC AND FEAR"

And most people who claim to have experienced something truly "evidential" like being abducted by aliens can be quickly dismissed as publicity-grabbers or crazy.

Yeah, it's a weird world with weird stuff in it. But why invent ghouls and demons in addition to all our sharks and jaguars and diseases and politicians?

RE: Paranormal Thread - Leonartist - 07-12-2012

Let me give you an example. I used to have two pet cats that I loved very much.The cats were like brother and sister, and they loved to chase each other up and down the hallway. One of them died and the other got very very depressed. My mom could sense her presence in college class even though she was dead. A year or two later, the other cat died. We didn't see any paranormal activity afterward. Sometime later, I woke up to hear running down the hallway. It sounded like my cats, but I thought it probably was my little sister. She always got up before me. I kept hearing this for about five times or so. One day I got up really early and heard the running. I opened up my bedroom door only to find that no one was there. I went to my sister's room to find THAT SHE WAS STILL SLEEPING! The only people in our house were me, my sister, and my parents. I had no pets at all in my house when this happened. I kept on hearing the running for another year or so untill I moved away.

This really happened to me. I am dead serious about this.

RE: Paranormal Thread - Paradox - 07-12-2012

Houses always tend to make strange noises in the night. You really can't escape it. For example, at a cabin I stayed the night in with my cousin, acorns and stuff would fall on the roof, scaring us into thinking someone was banging on the door.

RE: Paranormal Thread - Qwertygiy - 07-12-2012

At my old house, we had those weird little metal vent thingies on the roof. And whenever it got windy, they would spin.


The first few nights it happened, I thought that someone must be using a jackhammer or power saw somewhere next door.

RE: Paranormal Thread - Leonartist - 07-12-2012

I heard the sounds as clear as day, and I heard the sound come in and fade away. No acorn could do that.

RE: Paranormal Thread - Paradox - 07-12-2012

(07-12-2012, 05:53 PM)Leonartist Wrote: I heard the sounds as clear as day, and I heard the sound come in and fade away. No acorn could do that.

I'm not saying an acorn would do that, that was just my story, there are tons of things in an average household that can make weird noises.

RE: Paranormal Thread - Leonartist - 07-12-2012

This thread is turning into a debate. If you have any paranormal expiriences, please share them.

RE: Paranormal Thread - Dignity - 07-13-2012

I can't think of one right now. Sad
I'll try to think of one.