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proof that hitler is buildism - Printable Version

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proof that hitler is buildism - Glome - 07-22-2012


and buildism

they both have the letter I.

poof 100% legit

RE: proof that hitler is buildism - Latinxassassin - 07-22-2012

This proof is a fail...

RE: proof that hitler is buildism - Walrus - 07-22-2012


RE: proof that hitler is buildism - Franco30557 - 07-22-2012

You gotta release this to the world!!!!

RE: proof that hitler is buildism - Glome - 07-22-2012

(07-22-2012, 09:21 PM)Latinxassassin Wrote: This proof is a fail...

RE: proof that hitler is buildism - Leonartist - 07-22-2012

I think Jacob_ worships the devil. With that underscore, he has 6 characters in his name, and 6 is the number of the devil. Why does he have an underscore? And why isn't he just called Jacob? He looks suspicious.


RE: proof that hitler is buildism - Tyler - 07-22-2012



it is more likely that Glome is Hitler

RE: proof that hitler is buildism - Glome - 07-22-2012

(07-22-2012, 10:42 PM)Tyler Wrote: hitler


it is more likely that Glome is Hitler




glome is also tyler

RE: proof that hitler is buildism - Franco30557 - 07-22-2012

I'm a Spanish dictator.

RE: proof that hitler is buildism - Ashely - 07-22-2012

Oh my, the names both have the letter L. What must we do>?