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I don't really like the new forum background. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: I don't really like the new forum background. (/showthread.php?tid=9707)

I don't really like the new forum background. - Walrus - 07-27-2012

What do you guys think of it?

RE: I don't really like the new forum background. - Qwertygiy - 07-27-2012

Jacob_ said it's only temporary.

I made this; dunno if it fits with the rest of whatever new theme he's working on, I just put it together because I had nothing else to do: [Image: testbg.png]

RE: I don't really like the new forum background. - Paradox - 07-27-2012

I liked the old one more, but I like the new blockyness of the boxes.

RE: I don't really like the new forum background. - Who - 07-27-2012

I like this new one better.

RE: I don't really like the new forum background. - Duck - 07-27-2012

this is just a default thing right

RE: I don't really like the new forum background. - Tyler - 07-27-2012

it's alright

RE: I don't really like the new forum background. - Dignity - 07-27-2012

The old style beats this one.

RE: I don't really like the new forum background. - Glome - 07-27-2012

Jacob should make it so we can choose which one we want ;o