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I'm trying to transfer my games from the old Buildism site to this one, and I can't. - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: I'm trying to transfer my games from the old Buildism site to this one, and I can't. (/showthread.php?tid=9903)

I'm trying to transfer my games from the old Buildism site to this one, and I can't. - Brassrhino - 08-13-2012

So, here's the problem. When I try to go into "Build" mode on my game on the old site, "Push People Off a Cliff V1.6 - Coming Soon," it takes a bit to load the editor, and then it comes up with a blank workspace, and a lot of errors on the side. It doesn't load in any of my game, and I don't have any previous saves available to me right now. I think these errors may be due to the amount of scripts in my game, but I'm not sure. I don't know how I'm going to transfer it to this site, if there's some way to revert it to a previous state or what, but I am in a pickle for now.

I'm not sure about my other games, but I'l edit this soon and say.


RE: I'm trying to transfer my games from the old Buildism site to this one, and I can't. - DysLabs - 08-14-2012

Could you type the errors?

RE: I'm trying to transfer my games from the old Buildism site to this one, and I can't. - Paradox - 08-17-2012

You're "push people off a cliff" game has been broken forever. I think it was to the effect of there being too many scripts.