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  • Fixed a new bug where you'd keep spinning forever after dying...
  • Parts no longer generate Collided events for parts on different layers
  • Fixed a bug where a script's internal state could get messed up. This was responsible for the Test with Player command failing occasionally, I'm not sure what else.
  • Fixed random NullPointerExceptions that happened every other thursday
Buildism crashes when the spinning glitch happens. Good thing you fixed it.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
I hope that script fix helps with .Collided sometimes returning a nil instead of an object. This is what my .Collided function looks like:

function Touched(hit)
if hit and hit.Parent then
--Whatever happens here
end end

If it doesn't have that second line, it often crashes, saying it is trying to index a non-table (which I assume means nil).

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