Who is 'Kieron'?
I don't liek bad comments about anyone, please keep it as nice as possible.
1: I sincerely hope you are not another proxy alt of him, because they are getting annoying.

2: In answer to your post, he is a user who is currently on a week-long ban (not his first ban by a long shot) for being rude and annoying everyone. He's been banned before for insulting the moderators, swearing, and other stuff.
It's not that we like talking bad about other users, in fact we almost never do it. If bad comments do happen to appear it is from the users doing, we give respect just like we would like it in return which he fails to do at times. Other then him being disrespectful he can be a really nice, and helpful user on the site.

If you happen to see any bad comments on a user report it, the staff will handle it.

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