Chaos, Buildism is NOT Communist
It is a multi-dictaroship, that meaning multiple people within power with total control. Communism would mean a world class (or classless) society where all people are equal and all market is equal (no monopolies/no laissez faire).

Stalin was a totalitarian leader who botched communism, it is what gave it a bad name in the media. Communism at it's finest is what a REAL utopia WOULD be. Communism does not consist of a dictator, the leader is the common man, even calling him/herself a commoner. (because communism doesn't believe in higher powers HENCE classless society)

So yeah, don't use communism in the wrong context.
[Image: siggggg.gif?t=1312782506]

[Image: signature.png?t=1312081740]
Yeah. The original Communism, thought up by Karl Marx, only works at a small scale though, like a community of about 30-200 people. A large country end up as a dictatorship -- like the Soviets, or the Chinese.

Buildism is more like the President and his Cabinet than a true Communistic society. (Except Jacob_ wasn't elected, he MADE the site.)
Jacob_ is our eternal and everlasting Führer.
(05-31-2011, 12:53 AM)LOL Wrote: Jacob_ is our eternal and everlasting Führer.

No, just no.
I am the leader of this site.

Jacob_ just thinks he is.
[Image: AmZJnA9.png]

I'm gonna tell you the truth, I could care less.
[Image: chaosthegreat.png]

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