Sad video...

[Image: finn_flag.gif]
Don't make me more depressed then I already am....
I can't load it, so what's it about?
This poor guy walks around looking for food. He was resting on the sidewalk and a cop made him get up. During the video, it shows the horrors of the US. He was about to eat from a trashcan and a family was eating at a picnic next to him. He wanted some bread but they were religious so they wouldn't let him have any. He was desperate and was in a park resting by a tree. Two little girls both gave him a dollar. He smiled and bought some bread.

[Image: finn_flag.gif]
The message is very overwhelming, the fact that the US is going to the toilet and everyone is suffering while others monger in there own wealth and they don't care about anyone else but themselves, this video has a very powerful message. Its also extremely true, homeless people are suffering while lucky people that are successful are in denile of that homeless people and them are no different, and we should treat us all equally, regardless of our life position.
Well I don't blame people for not giving him food. A lot of people "pretend" to be poor and beg for money. I'm not saying anything bad about the real homeless people but It's usually their own faults that they are homeless in the first place. (I know sometimes it's just bad luck or not anything they can stop)
I still would of given him food though.

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