What's giving you a purpose?
As of this point, I don't understand the world.

I don't even see how it makes sense, with all this talk of debt and war.

Many of us don't have a reason to live anymore, I wouldn't blame people to just give up.

I mean... I want a career, not some job to make a buck. I want a career that I enjoy, and will be willing to do it forever. But I don't find anything that suits me.

Also, getting a girlfriend... I honestly just find, finding my dream girl is hard. I mean, they're either lesbian,hidden, or far away. Maybe my expectations are high, but I have some chick friends online- just being in a relationship in real life with them would be a dream come true. (Maybe then my knowledge of anime will be put in use)

I want to say in a single word.... Live.
My generation is disgusting, and I fear I have been exposed to it.
Most of them are rather ignorant, and in a sense- spoiled.

They complain about next to nothing, I don't understand it as I never had such luxuries as game consoles or cellphones or anything...

I also just can't grasp there being a hope of world peace. I realize it's impossible. So knowing that bloodshed over greed and differences will never end...

I feel myself alive online, rather than in reality. These people are just so... boring. (I wish to meet more people like Fish DSmile

There is no point of living, we just live to survive and (for humans) to learn.

As a kid I wished I had superpowers to fight bad guys and save the world, growing up now on the internet I just can't help but laugh at myself. I have seen plenty of gore, I don't really even care anymore. We live in a sick world. There is just so much... wrong that out weights the "right".

Am I depressed?

Is something wrong with me? I want to hear everyone's word on what I have to say. (Will post on multiple forums)

Jacob_, what have you always dreamed of being?
[Image: yesssssss_zpsc49d4672.png]
This comic basically summarizes what I think of life.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
What I kinda feel like.

[Image: 545810_358565207523595_142683745778410_1...0558_n.jpg]
[Image: yesssssss_zpsc49d4672.png]
The meaning of life is to live well and make it better for others and other generations. Nuff said.
The meaning of life is whatever you want it to be. Everyone's different, so you couldn't find one meaning that everyone would agree with.

I think it's to have as many experiences as you can, achieve your goals, and make a positive difference in the world.
Trying to think about stuff like this is why we have asylums.

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