A Story
It was brought from the depths of hell just to rain down terror upon the land
No living force dare stop It for It decides who lives and who dies
Hungry for power, cold at heart, It feeds on the souls of the innocent
Periods of time pass by when It goes dormant, location unknown, leaving us to await Its horrendous terror to fall upon us once more
Now that beast has awoken, god help us all.
[Image: AmZJnA9.png]
I hope this isn't meant to be a satirical reference to you-know-who.
The Red Beast?
That's what I thought at first -- then I realized something else seemed to "fit" better.
(05-31-2012, 02:19 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: That's what I thought at first -- then I realized something else seemed to "fit" better.

Oh, I would never say anything bad about the lovely Ashely. For she would ban me due to biased reasons.
[Image: AmZJnA9.png]
(05-31-2012, 05:29 PM)Glome Wrote:
(05-31-2012, 02:19 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: That's what I thought at first -- then I realized something else seemed to "fit" better.

Oh, I would never say anything bad about the lovely Ashely. For she would ban me due to biased reasons.

I know?
Read my debate thread.

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