Two Teenagers - Story Planning - Chat #1
[12/7/13 23:12] rep3: hey leonartist
[12/7/13 23:12] rep3: So
[12/7/13 23:13] rep3: There are two teenagers in the beginning of this story.
[12/7/13 23:13] rep3: They are bored as fuck and decided to do something under the creative arts.
[12/7/13 23:13] Franco30557: this is your narative poem?
[12/7/13 23:13] rep3: So what the hell do they do?
[12/7/13 23:13] rep3: They make a play.
[12/7/13 23:14] rep3: Because they are flamboyant gay
[12/7/13 23:14] rep3: But they don't know that because they are still exploring their sexual orientation as they are teenagers
[12/7/13 23:14] Franco30557: Umm.
[12/7/13 23:14] rep3: So, what the hell is this shitty play going to be about?
[12/7/13 23:14] rep3: It's going to be about two teenagers.
[12/7/13 23:15] rep3: Mein Gott!
[12/7/13 23:15] rep3: Yes, but that's not all.
[12/7/13 23:15] rep3: The two teenagers planned that the two teenagers in the play would write a story or poem.
[12/7/13 23:16] Franco30557: The two gay teenagers better not be us
[12/7/13 23:16] Franco30557: Or one of the two
[12/7/13 23:16] rep3: The story would consist of the two teenagers in the play acting out at in a cyberspace civilization.
[12/7/13 23:17] rep3: What the fuck is that? Well, I have no better way to describe it but saying that it has cybercops and the Internet is fucking everywhere so your forum profiles better look good.
[12/7/13 23:17] rep3: Anyway
[12/7/13 23:18] rep3: In the play,
[12/7/13 23:18] rep3: These two teenagers are going to go under pseudonyms
[12/7/13 23:19] rep3: Except, these fake identities will be of the identities of two real people long gone.
[12/7/13 23:19] rep3: wait a sec there, I'm going to get my piece of paper
[12/7/13 23:19] Franco30557: Like Leonartist?
[12/7/13 23:20] rep3: Back.
[12/7/13 23:21] rep3: I've wrote it down a few days ago
[12/7/13 23:21] rep3: Alright
[12/7/13 23:21] rep3: So..
[12/7/13 23:21] rep3: In this cyberspace world..
[12/7/13 23:22] Franco30557: So basically there are two teenagers who live in cyberspace and they write a narrative poem about two gay teenagers.
[12/7/13 23:22] rep3: These teenagers are going to have to take the identities of individuals from the past so they can legally author over a sexually explicit novel.
[12/7/13 23:22] rep3: No
[12/7/13 23:22] rep3: The other way around
[12/7/13 23:23] rep3: It's two gay teenagers writing about two teenagers in cyberspace
[12/7/13 23:23] Franco30557: So two teenagers are going to write about two gay teenagers who write about two teenagers in cyberspace
[12/7/13 23:24] rep3: the two teenagers in cyberspace want to write something that is pornographic or obscene which would be illegal for them to possess under their true identities
[12/7/13 23:24] rep3: yes
[12/7/13 23:24] rep3: I'm Mark Twain up in this bitch.
[12/7/13 23:24] rep3: But I'm not finished
[12/7/13 23:24] rep3: Hold on, I'm reviewing my draft notes.
[12/7/13 23:25] rep3: Aha.
[12/7/13 23:25] Franco30557: I sould be Mark Twain, becuase Mark is my name irl.
[12/7/13 23:25] rep3: So, the two teenagers in cyberspace will take the identities of.....
[12/7/13 23:25] rep3: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN and NOAM CHOMSKY
[12/7/13 23:26] rep3: They are both notable people.
[12/7/13 23:26] Franco30557: I've never heard of Chomsky
[12/7/13 23:26] rep3: Since everything in cyberspace works like fucking magic since science is the new religion and Richard Dawkins is God..
[12/7/13 23:27] rep3: Chomsky is pretty known, actually, but the teenager who has the identity of Chomsky is going to get the worse treatment.
[12/7/13 23:28] Franco30557: can you like take a picture of script?
[12/7/13 23:28] rep3: Anyway, since blablabla Richard Dawkins is God, they magically turn to the idols themselves.
[12/7/13 23:28] rep3: Yes
[12/7/13 23:29] rep3: But it has gramatical errors and extremely shitty handwriting because I wrote it when I was supposed to be asleep.
[12/7/13 23:29] rep3: *grammatical
[12/7/13 23:29] rep3: I'm having trouble reading it myself.
[12/7/13 23:30] Franco30557: atleast its not the final product
[12/7/13 23:30] rep3: I can type it down
[12/7/13 23:30] rep3: It's mostly just a few jotted ideas
[12/7/13 23:31] rep3: "two bored, yet, immaginative teenagers act out their struggle to publish their partially pornographic novel which would be otherwise illegal for them to view"
[12/7/13 23:32] rep3: Erotic works count under pornography, I believe, which is illegal to minors under current US law.
[12/7/13 23:32] rep3: So cyberspace has the same shitty laws as today's United States does.
[12/7/13 23:33] rep3: Anyway
[12/7/13 23:33] rep3: Here's another note
[12/7/13 23:33] rep3: "cop believes my identity more"
[12/7/13 23:34] rep3: Yes, I'm Benjamin F.(ucking) Franklin.
[12/7/13 23:34] rep3: Continuing
[12/7/13 23:35] rep3: Also, Leon, you might want to go back to your actual account.
[12/7/13 23:35] rep3: So anyway, these cyberspace teenagers are questioned by a cybercop for their identities.
[12/7/13 23:37] Guest: Why does the novel they wish to write have to be gay?
[12/7/13 23:37] rep3: For some reason, the cybercops and cyberpolice in general don't like Noam Chomsky.
[12/7/13 23:38] rep3: It's not gay.
[12/7/13 23:38] rep3: It's the two gay teenagers that are gay.
[12/7/13 23:38] Guest: The teenagers themselves are gay
[12/7/13 23:38] rep3: Yes
[12/7/13 23:38] Guest: but they're wirghting a straigt errotic novel?
[12/7/13 23:38] rep3: But the cyberspace teenagers have an ambiguous sexual orientation
[12/7/13 23:38] rep3: no
[12/7/13 23:39] rep3: Hold on, need to check my notes.
[12/7/13 23:40] rep3: Hm, I haven't thought about what the novel that these cyberspace teenagers are trying to write and publish is going to be about.
[12/7/13 23:40] rep3: Well
[12/7/13 23:41] rep3: It's certain that it is sexual and maybe even morally offensive in cyberspace society
[12/7/13 23:42] rep3: What could it be about, though?
[12/7/13 23:43] Guest: it could be about lolicon
[12/7/13 23:44] rep3: I think I got it
[12/7/13 23:45] rep3: Alright
[12/7/13 23:46] rep3: I think I know what it should be
[12/7/13 23:48] rep3: Might it be a novel about two teenagers masturbating while painting portraits of alternate universe Gay Lenin to overthrow the sexually repressive dystopian state of Landania (Because the land is as dry as the fucking Sahara and free from cum stains due to lack of sexual activity) in the year 2184?
[12/7/13 23:49] rep3: It's perfect!
[12/7/13 23:51] rep3: So- It's two teenagers writing about two teenagers writing about two teenagers writing about two teenagers.
[12/7/13 23:52] Guest: yes
[12/7/13 23:52] Guest: the only problem is
[12/7/13 23:52] Guest: Anyone reading the novel might think we're gay
[12/7/13 23:53] Guest: because the rest of the teenagers are gay
[12/7/13 23:53] rep3: I have a solution.
[12/7/13 23:53] rep3: We write under the name of Dark Train.
[12/7/13 23:53] rep3: It rhymes with Mark Twain, and you can find a way to get it up in a bitch quite literally.
[12/7/13 23:53] Guest: How about we write about lesbian teenagers?
[12/7/13 23:54] rep3: Hm
[12/7/13 23:54] rep3: Alright
[12/7/13 23:54] rep3: In the novel that the cyberspace teenagers are writing, the teenagers masturbate to lesbian pornography while painting alternate universe Gay Lenin.
[12/7/13 23:55] Guest: This is starting to confuse me
[12/7/13 23:56] rep3: Alright
[12/7/13 23:57] rep3: I'll summarize the characters
[12/7/13 23:58] rep3: Alright, so, two bored teenagers write about two obviously gay teenagers (both are oblivious to that fact) and those two gay teenagers write about two cyberspace teenagers
[12/7/13 23:59] rep3: The two cyberspace teenagers have to change their identities temporarily since it is not legal for them to own such work because of the cyberspace law.
[12/8/13 0:00] Guest: ok
[12/8/13 0:00] rep3: The two cyberspace teenagers were writing about a sexually repressive dystopian state
[12/8/13 0:02] Guest: what exactly is the purpose of the novel?
[12/8/13 0:02] rep3: The two teenagers in the dystopia masturbate to lesbian pornography and make paintings of Gay Lenin to overthrow the authoritarian government.
[12/8/13 0:02] rep3: Leon
[12/8/13 0:02] Guest: im here
[12/8/13 0:03] rep3: Do you believe that some laws are contradictory to the crucial hormonal state of teenagers during the heights of puberty?
[12/8/13 0:04] rep3: This is referencing laws on minors and age restrictions.
[12/8/13 0:04] Guest: im not sure
[12/8/13 0:04] rep3: Except, in cyberspace, you can actually get your life behind cyber bars in cyberprison for watching porn.
[12/8/13 0:04] Guest: I beleive it should belegal for teens to veiw porn
[12/8/13 0:05] rep3: and get raped by cyber prisoners
[12/8/13 0:05] rep3: What a backwards society, isn't it?
[12/8/13 0:05] rep3: Besides the sexual tone in the novel that the two cyberspace teenagers are writing
[12/8/13 0:06] rep3: There are elements of distrust towards authoritarian governments
[12/8/13 0:07] rep3: It can be interpreted as a declaration of terrorism to the cyberspace state in which the two cyberspace teens inhabit
[12/8/13 0:07] Guest: hm
[12/8/13 0:08] Guest: I may have to go soon
[12/8/13 0:08] rep3: OK
[12/8/13 0:08] rep3: How soon?
[12/8/13 0:08] Guest: in a few minutes
[12/8/13 0:09] rep3: I'll post the discussion of the story
[12/8/13 0:09] rep3: as a reminder and review for the next time we meet
[Image: 9g5l9w1mtad.png]
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