Why's everybody Fighting?
I mean, I'm not on THAT often, and apparently SOME Person is Banned who shouldn't be Banned, Kieron is Mad at everybody for whatever Reason and has some other Site that's a Rip Off of Buildism, and everybody is just Mad.

Watch this Video, and the Raig will be Drained out of You...

Now, isn't that Better? I thought it would do us all some Good.
Everyone is just raging.
[Image: dancerssssssss.gif]
When I see troll threads, I just press that little X on the top of the screen and stay out of the drama. It seems to me like the most mature thing to do as a normal user.
[Image: chaosthegreat.png]
Chaos you are my new hero.
[Image: dancerssssssss.gif]
(06-08-2011, 09:16 PM)Fire Wrote: Chaos you are my new hero.

everything that is hapening may be resumed in one word

[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]

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