Normal Door
Documentation and licence are both included in the script.

This is NOT a VIP door. It is just a normal door that opens when someone touchs it.

Included in this thread :

Door.bsmodel (2.42 KB) -A ready to use door.
Door Script.txt (2.01 KB) -A copy of the script.
Door Script.lua (2.01 KB) -A copy of the script.
Door Place.buildism (4.47 KB) -A place containing a door.

This script was tested. All of it's features are working.

If you like the script, please click this link.

You can also go here and leave a comment.

Please avoid to post here if you can PM me instead. I want this thread to contain useful content, not useless junk.

[lua]opentime = 1 --How much time will the door be open in seconds?
transparency = 0.5 --How transparent is the door when open?

--[[Documentation of this script :
Door Script by [Guest/Aroblix].

Installation :

The installation of this script is simple. You just have to put the script in the box you want to be the door and then set the settings.

Settings :

To change the time before the door closes, just go at the first line of the script.
You will see a variable called opentime. Just set it's value to the number of seconds you want the door to remain open after being opened.

To change the transparency of the door when it is opened, just change the value of the variable at the second line of the script.
0 - Normal
0.5 - Averagely transparent
1 - Invisible

Open source FTW!
--[['Licence' of this script : -Please read this whole licence. It is not long and it is important.

Do not republish this, one version is enough. There is no need to have 50 times the exact same script everywhere on the site.

This script is open source and must remain open source. That means everyone is free to have it, use it and edit it.

Any model created using this or a part of this script must be open source and contain this licence. They also have to include the documentation.
That means you can't obfuscate or sell anything made using one or many part of this script. Parts of this script include :
1.The documentation.
2.The licence.
3.The code.

Not respecting this 'licence' won't necessary end in anything bad done to you, but it's better not to take risks.

if not script.Parent.Fixed then --There's no point in having an unanchored door.
script.Parent.Fixed = true

function open(part)
if part.Parent:isA('Character') then
script.Parent.Collidable = false
script.Parent.Transparency = transparency
script.Parent.Collidable = true
script.Parent.Transparency = 0
link(script.Parent.Collided, open)
--Coded by [Guest/Aroblix] using Notepad++.[/lua]

Attached Files
.txt   Door Script.txt (Size: 2.01 KB / Downloads: 22)
.bsmodel   Door.bsmodel (Size: 2.42 KB / Downloads: 167)
.lua   Door Script.lua (Size: 2.01 KB / Downloads: 139)
.buildism   Door Place.buildism (Size: 4.47 KB / Downloads: 141)
Thanks for the help!
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.
Why is the size 0x0?
I came from ROBLOX so I thought it would be CanCollide = false.
All the players we have right now probably come from ROBLOX, sadly.

If you like the script, you can follow this link to thank it.

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