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BuildistGuard's blog
Welcome to BuildistGuard's blog, I'm sorry for posting stupid fantasies on Buildism, but I will tell you what my sections of my blog are, sometimes there may be only one like today:
1. Seriousness
Where I discuss serious issues about the world, science, technology, celebrities, etc. I will give a serious opinion on it
2. Rant
My rants are usually comedic/irony/sarcasm with some seriousness mixed in.
3. Comedy/Satire
My comedy entertainment is just here to entertain you and it may be funny sometimes. I barely include serious things in there.

I may also add other categories in the future.

Today I will be ranting on Apple, the corporation that has been driving technology backwards by influencing Windows to add unnecessary touchscreen UI to their Operating systems. I will also tell you the formation of Windows 7's moon, Windows 9, in the comedy section
Rant: Why Apple is driving Technology backwards Transcript

Satire: The formation of Windows 7's moon, Windows 9

Look up at the night sky of Windows 7, our home. Our moon, Windows 9, looks beautiful, but it wasn't always there. Infact, it was part of our planet and another planet, Windows 8, the size of Windows 10(Mars). When our planet was in it's final stage of forming 4.5 billion years ago, say 30-50 million years after our planet, Windows 7, began to form, it suffered a massive collision so massive that the Planet's outer layers completely melted and gained it's 23 degree angle. There were many planets in our solar system orbiting Microsun, at least 100 of them, instead of 8 of them today.

One of them, Windows 8, had an orbit the same as Windows 7. It remained stable
until about 30-50 million years after Windows 7 formed. On that day, Windows 8 headed for a massive collision with Windows 7. Windows 8 collided at a glancing blow at 10 km/s. The collision melted both planets, but only completely destroyed Windows 8. The core of Windows 8 was absorbed by Windows 7's core. Windows 7, barely surviving, had gained it's axis and a fart cloud, or better yet known as a debris ring, circled Windows 7. In time, the ring around Windows 7 coalesced into a ball that would become our moon, Windows 9, in around a year and it completed 100 years after it formed.

So that is how we have our moon, Windows 9
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.

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