Scene 1 of my play for Drama
Inspired by Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
This is how it starts intentionally, with no backstory
(Grabinski and Brown are found armed with Sniper Rifles in a wilderness)
Grabinski: So, Farhan is supposedly here, eh?
Dodge(Off stage): According to our 'Little friend', this is where he should be.
Grabinski: Affirmative, me and Brown are moving in. Out.
Brown: Let's go, sir.
(Grabinski and Brown walk across the area twice)
Grabinski: Brown, do you see the house?
Brown: Affirmative.
Grabinski: Dodge, do Sniper team One have eyes on the house?
Dodge: Affirmative, on your mark.
Grabinski: 1...
Grabinski: 2...
Grabinski: 3...
(Bang sound effect, Brown and Grabinski are thrown half-way across the stage)
(Sniper team One aid Grabinski and Brown in 'gun' fight against enemy 'soldiers')
Brown: Dodge, does Sniper Team one see any more targets?
Dodge: Negative, it is safe to proceed.
(Grabinski and Brown run around the area 4 times, occasionaly shooting randomly, Dodge will shoot from off-stage occasionaly)
Grabinski(Whispering): Enemy trucks, get down!
Dodge: Sir, we are picking up truck signals, do you want us to do anything?
Grabinski: Negative, let them pass... We shall plant some explosives soon, how is it looking around there?
(5 second silence)
Grabinski: Dodge? Dodge?
Dodge: Sniper team, get missiles on that building...
(Missile sound, explosion sound, Grabinski and Brown engage in 'battle' for 5 minutes)
Dodge: Targets cleared.
Grabinski: Yeah, thanks for blowing our cover.
Dodge: Just get moving.
Grabinski: Brown, let's get into that scrapyard of a house, and see what we can find...
(Brown and Grabinski approach the 'house', and crawl under some 'ruins')
(Brown and Grabinski discover some 'blueprints')
Grabinski: Sir, we have found some blueprints under the scrapyard of wood, will this do for evidence?
Dodge: It'll do, now get the hell out of there! We have picked up atleast 20 Helicopters coming in your position, we're giving 3 and a half minutes to]
get to the landing zone before we leave without you!
Grabinski: Affirmative!
Grabinski: Brown! We need to get the hell out of here within 3 and a half minutes! We need to move!
(Grabinski run around the area 10 times, shooting randomly every 5-15 seconds)
(Brown falls down)
(After 6 runs)
(Stop running)
Grabinski: Crap! The helicopters have found us! Brown, on your feet!
(Brown recovers)
(Continue running)
(After 8 1/2 total runs)
(Missile sound, Brown is hit on the legs by a 'missile')
(Stop running)
Grabinski: Brown! I got you!
(Grabinski drags Brown until 9 1/2 total laps)
(Dodge approaches out of a helicopter)
Grabinski: Come on, get up!
(Grabinski walks Brown over to Dodge)
Dodge: Where are these blueprints?
(Grabinski pulls out 'blueprints')
Grabinski: Here sir!
Dodge: Well that's that...
(Dodge pulls out a 'pistol' then shoots and kills Brown)
Grabinski: NO!
(Grabinski pulls out a 'rifle', Dodge 'shoots' Grabinski before Grabinski 'shoots' Dodge)
(Dodge snatches the 'blueprints')
Dodge: Now, men. Let's finish them...
('Soldiers'(Grabinski and Brown) throw 'bodies'(themselves) into a 'pit')
(Dodge pours 'gasoline' over Grabinski and Brown)
Dodge: Good. Bye.
(Dodge throws cigarette over Grabinski and Brown)
(Slow motion)
('helicopter' and Dodge fly off)
(After Dodge goes off-stage, he uses a radio to immitate Grabski)
Grabski(Faint): Grabinski! Brown! We are under attack by Dodge's men at the battlefield! He cannot be trusted, I repeat he CANNOT be trusted!
(SCENE ENDS, All actors get up and go off-stage)
Knowing your last name makes me snicker at this all the more.

Even though I dislike warfare fiction of any kind very much, I can tell you're not half bad at writing. Nice.
You lost me at Call of Duty.
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I tried to read it....tried
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]

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