Whats better, Buildism or ROBLOX?
Indeed, i was about to reach 2k posts in Roblox, but after i forumed here, i just felt like not going back to Roblox...
Roblox is too big now, in 07 it was great, but now...the admins/mods could care less about you, the users all think they will be mods one day...its sickening.
Honestly, Buildism is much better.

Small population of educated decent people, Cool games. What else could you ask for. Plus its free.

ROBLOX's community is mean Sad
Buildism. The're mods make me sick! I have got a 14 Day ban for saying "Buying Somthing" "Pm Me". >.> I will quit that game! Atleast they don't have Mod Bots here! Big Grin
Buildism, the mods here aren't retarded, the admin Jacob_ is a nice guy, the community is awesome, the game is decent.
Roblox, because the game has so many more features.

Buildism has a better community, but Roblox has a better game at this point in time.
(04-10-2011, 04:11 AM)Ashely Wrote: The name "Roblox" just makes me sick.

[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]
Roblox 8/10
Buildism 5/10

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