Youtube Video Thread

The anthem of Ecuador, Salve Oh Patria.

The full anthem of Cuba, La Bayamesa. The uploader is probably a right-winger who wants to turn Cuba back into a market capitalist shithole like it was back before the Castros took power. While I don't support the regime of the Castros(I'm an Anarchist), they are a lot better off than being ruled under U.S imperialism.

Both of these anthems sound better than the anthem of the United States, even through I'm an American.

A good biography film on Fidel Castro's life, while he might have been very authoritarian, he's far better than being the under rule of the Spanish empire, [Next under the American empire]Gerardo Machado, and Fulgencio Batista.
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.

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