I'm trying to make a gun....
function mouseDown()
    local bullet = create("Cirle")
    c.Radius = 2
    c.Position = script.Parent.Handle.Position
    c.Name = "Bullet"
    c.Parent = game.World
    local rocket = create("Rocket")
    rocket.Parent = bullet

link(script.Parent.MouseDown, mouseDown)

It doesn't work... It's my first time scripting in Buildism. Can anyone fix this for me?
There's currently no way to get the position of the tool. Until that is added, the only way to do it is to turn the tool's rotation into a vector, multiply it by the length and add it to the character's position.

Example from the rocket tool:

function normalizeVector(vec)
local m = math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y)
return Vec2D(vec.x / m, vec.y / m)
body = character.Body
local v = normalizeVector(Vec2D(mousepos.x - body.Position.x + 0.1, mousepos.y - body.Position.y - 1.5))
bullet.Position = Vec2D(body.Position.x - 0.1 + v.x * 7, body.Position.y + 1.5 + v.y * 7)

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