Post Creepypastas here
Post any creepypastas here. They can be from any site. Please do not put racist, discrimantory, or very disturbing posts. Well here is my Creepypasta below(Super Mario 64 Creepypasta edited by me):

I always liked Super Mario 64 when I was a kid. I remember playing it at my aunt's house all the time. Well, one day a pop-up appeared out of nowhere as I was watching gameplay footage on Youtube. I was a little startled, and was about to close the window, until I realized that it was a website showing of a mint condition copy of Super Mario 64 for sale. There was a picture and everything. I usually don't trust these things, but the feeling of nostalgia overpowered me, and I wanted to buy it.

The whole business was peculiar, seeing as how the owner of the game wanted the buyer to send an envelope containing $10 to and address on the site, instead of using something like PayPal. What made things even more strange was that when I tried to gain access to the website (I wrote down the URL) after encountering...problems with the game, the page was nowhere to be found.

A few days after the $10 was mailed, I got a package containing the new copy of the game. The first thing I noticed when I opened the small box was that the "official sticker" with Mario flying in the air was apparently peeled off or something. In it's place was a piece of duct tape with "Mario" crudely written on it in permanent marker. I felt a little ripped-off, but as long as the game worked, I didn't care.

I got out my Nintendo 64 and put the cartridge in. The screen turned on with the familiar Mario face that you could stretch and twist aimlessly. I remembered laughing all the time at the results as a kid and decided to mess around for old times sake. I moved the cursor over to Mario's ear and pulled it to elven proportions. I was going to do the same to the other ear, when the TV suddenly produced loud static. Mario's whole head started deforming and twisting in ways that I didn't even know were possible for the model. Random sound effects from the game started playing along with the static. As all this was occurring, I could hear a faint voice whispering in Japanese. The voice was stammering and whimpering.

I immediately shut off the game and tried again. I didn't bother with the Mario head this time. Just selected a new file and started playing.

When I selected the file, the game skipped the opening monologue by Peach and the courtyard outside. Mario was just placed right inside the castle. Creepier still, Bowser didn't say anything either. I tried to ignore it and played anyway. However I also noticed that their was no music. Just dead silence. Their weren't even any Toads around to talk to. The only door I could enter was the Bob-omb Battlefield. The other doors wouldn't even respond to my button commands.

The portrait to Bob-omb Battlefield wasn't the usual picture. It was just a stark white canvas. I was still trying to convince myself that these were just minor glitches, and that they wouldn't effect the gameplay at all. Once I entered the portrait, the image suddenly went from a blank canvas to the Lethal Lava Land painting. You know, that slightly unsettling image of the flame with the evil smile? Yeah, that's when I started getting really suspicious.

The mission select menu came up, and yet another weird detail was present. Instead of "Big Bob-omb on the Summit", the mission was called "TURN BACK". I have no idea what drove me to press A, but I did.

The level seemed normal. Everything was how I remembered it. I thought I could finally enjoy my favorite childhood game. But then I saw him. Luigi. I was absolutely shocked. He was never in this game. His model wasn't even a Mario palette swap. He looked like a completely original model. Luigi just stood there until I tried to approach him. He started running at unexpected speeds. I followed suite and went through the level. Strange things happened as I pursued him. each time I picked up a coin, the enemies and music would get slower, and the scenery would look darker in color and more morbid. It kept gradually getting worse until I collected a 5th coin. Then, the music just stopped. The enemies laid down on the ground like they were dead. I was seriously freaked out, but I kept chasing Luigi.

I went up the hill. No cannon balls rolled down trying to knock me over. I really wasn't surprised at this point. Luigi was always just out of my sight as I ran. Once I reached the summit, I saw yet another object out of place. A small cottage was all that was seen on the top of the hill. Luigi was nowhere to be found. The cottage was certainly od looking for a Mario game. It was old, plain, and broken down. Regardless of my fears at that moment, I had Mario enter the cottage.

As soon as the door closed. A disturbing picture of a hanged Luigi immediately popped up along with a very frightening scare chord. It sounded like a violin screech accompanied by loud piano banging. Mario fell to his knees and sobbed for roughly 5 minutes, then the screen irised-out.

I returned to the castle. Mario just slumped out of the painting. The image switched from the Lethal Lava Land portrait to the image of Luigi hanging himself. The room was different this time. It was now a small hallway. Toads with blank expressions and white robes lined the sides of the hallway. Their was another painting at the opposite end that just completely and utterly scared me. It was a picture of my family It wasn't even a photo from the time Super Mario 64 was released. It was a very, very recent photo. I remembered posing for it last weekend.

I reached for the on/off switch on the N64. There was no way I was going to play this anymore. However, when I flipped the switch, the game was still on. I flipped it back and forth, but to no avail. I tried unplugging the whole system, but it never left the screen. I was even still able to control Mario. I couldn't just leave it on I kept playing. I went to the photo of my family, and jumped in. Only one mission was available, of course. This one was called "Run, Don't Walk". I selected the mission. 'Let's-a-go'...

The level started in a flooded hallway with platforms floating on the water. Mario landed on one of these, and the camera turned to show what was behind. A silent black void was slowly approaching Mario. It didn't look like anything. It didn't even look like finished graphics. Just a giant, blocky, black blob. I started jumping from platform to platform. With no goal in sight, I kept running, the darkness slowly but surely gaining speed. This kept going on for what felt like hours. I was really doubting there would ever be an end. Mario was just going in circles. Finally, the black blob/void/thing caught up with Mario, and enveloped him in darkness. He didn't scream or resist at all. It just consumed him.

Mario fell out of the painting and back into the castle. I lost one of my 3 lives. The room was different now. Some of the Toads were gone, and the painting looked different. My family and I were in the same positions, but our bodies were partially decomposed. It looked too real to be photoshopped. It looked more like someone just took our dead bodies and posed them.

Regardless, I jumped into the painting again. Mario was in an small room. There was still only one mission available. It was called "I'm right here." spelled just like that. I selected the mission and prepared for the worst. Mario landed in a small, dark room. There no visible way out. The room was empty except for a piano in the corner. I knew what that meant. i was stuck in there with the Mad Piano. I approached it and it started chasing me as always. There was no way to damage it, so I had no choice but to let Mario take damage.

When he lost all his health, the usual death animation didn't happen. Mario just got mauled by the piano. He fell as his blood and guts spilled on the floor, and the camera panned to a top down view of his corpse. A distorted version of the merry-go-round music from Big Boo's Haunt played as the screen slowly transitioned from the in-game shot to a photo-realistic sketch of Mario's dead body in the same view as the shot. It was very unsettling. I was crying softly as I gazed upon the image. I lost another life.

The photo of my family was shown again. We were even more rotten then before. The view zoomed into the painting, like I was warping again. I was greeted with a shot of Peach's castle from the outside. The castle was crumbling in ruin. The fields were on fire. The sky was pitch black. Bowser's laugh played on a loop in the background as children mockingly chanted "You couldn't save her!". This went on for a long time, until, a close-up of of Peach's face accompanied by an extremely loud screech interrupted the loop without notice. Peach's mouth was wide open as if she was screaming, and her eyes were empty, black holes.

Suddenly, I was back in the hallway as Mario was once again ejected out of the painting. Now all of the Toads were gone, and me and my family looked positively repulsive. Maggots were wriggling around in holes in our flesh. Guts were spilling out of our bodies. My dad's eyeball was hanging loose from its socket. It was too much to bear, but something still urged me to trudge on. I jumped into the painting, with only one life remaining.

This time, there was no name for the mission. Just a blank space where the title would be. I selected the mission, and Mario landed on a very small island in the middle of the ocean. There was a solitary sign. It only read "DIVE". I did just as it said and entered the water.

The ocean was dark and empty. There were no fish. I wasn't even able to see anything in the water besides Mario. I swam downwards. I kept going for quite some time, yet Mario never ran out of breath. I counted roughly 10 minutes of swimming until I decided to go back up. Just as I turned Mario around, it came. A huge, and I mean huge Unagi the Eel came out of nowhere and swallowed Mario whole. I was dumbfounded. It went by so fast I wasn't even sure what I saw. The Game Over screen didn't show up. All that happened was a fade-out.

The photo of my family and I was shown again. We were plain skeletons now. Once again, it looked very real. I couldn't move the camera at all. It just stayed focused on the picture. I shut off the game and turned it on again. I chose my file, but it just went to the skeleton photo of my family. I tried this about 3 more times before giving up. I desperately wanted to stop, but some force kept me from walking away. I decided to select the only other saved file. The camera once again focused on the skeleton picture, but this time they were in a different position. As if they were a different family.

[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.
-Now all of the Toads were gone, and me and my family looked positively repulsive.

-and me and my family looked positively repulsive.

-my family looked positively repulsive.

-looked positively repulsive.

-positively repulsive.

A paradox!
Beh, heard the joke before, testrocksroblox.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
I was in my hospital bed.I don't know how I got here,the only thing I knew was that I had an unberible pain in my leg.I once saw that their was blood trickling down it.I fell asleep again.When I woke up,I knew I must've been passed out for a couple hours,because it was dark out the window,I also saw that the doctor's were asleep.I pushed my bed and gave them a nudge,I only heard one of them whisper in my ear,he said ''Run,he's comi-.''He died before he could finish his sentence.I was crying in fear.I heard a scream from the next room over.I heard step's coming over to my room.It pulled the curtains,and I saw something with a black coat and a scythe.It's skull was being held up by the coat.I heard it say ''I will protect you until the end,until the end of the world.''

The End.

And it'd be hard to make a ''racist'' creepypasta.It'd be like:''ATTACK OF THE MEXICANS!EPISODE 3!
(03-13-2011, 10:44 PM)tyler Wrote: I was in my hospital bed.I don't know how I got here,the only thing I knew was that I had an unberible pain in my leg.I once saw that their was blood trickling down it.I fell asleep again.When I woke up,I knew I must've been passed out for a couple hours,because it was dark out the window,I also saw that the doctor's were asleep.I pushed my bed and gave them a nudge,I only heard one of them whisper in my ear,he said ''Run,he's comi-.''He died before he could finish his sentence.I was crying in fear.I heard a scream from the next room over.I heard step's coming over to my room.It pulled the curtains,and I saw something with a black coat and a scythe.It's skull was being held up by the coat.I heard it say ''I will protect you until the end,until the end of the world.''

It was creepy but I honestly don't get it. I know it was death but it was ironic. Death was helping someone from death? And at the same time killing everyone else? What?
I wasn't finished.

Part II.

I watched in horror as death approched me.He said ''I will protect you until the end,until the end of the world.''

I thought,the voice sounded so familiar.I asked :''What's your real identity?''It said:I am your mom.

I was so shocked,my mom had been dead for 4 years.She died in a car accident.

I was trapped.Trapped in that small room.We were the only 2 left.In the world.


So how was it?
It can be made into a MichaelBay film! :3
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
It was almost the end of summer vacation,so me and my girlfriend Katie decided to go out to the country,we wandered around the dirt roads looking for civilization.After wandering for about 3 hours she said ''Darnit,outta gas!''.We looked to our right and there it was,a gas station right smack bang in the middle of nowhere.

We both went up to the gas station,I said ''You pump,I'll pay.''I went inside while Katie pumped gas.Inside the gas station was smashed,almost nothing was in one peice.There was glass on the floor and the shelves were toppled.

There was no one at the front counter so I searched for one,I went downstairs and heard someone or something crying.I said ''What's wrong?''I got no answer.I started to go down and noticed that the basement was flooded.I went over to the person that was crying and said ''What's wrong?''I patted him on the shoulder.

It turned around and looked at me.It's eyes were black and round,his arms were lifeless,he looked like a zombie.I ran upstairs as fast as I could,with that thing behind me.The water was slowing me down.I finally got upstairs and shut the door behind me.I ran out of the gas station screaming and panting.

Katie laughed at me.''What are you doing?''She said.''I saw something in their.''I replied.Katie started crying.''Why are YOU crying?''I asked.''I saw something when you went in there too,it was horrible.''
Right when she said this I saw something outside,it was a little girl with her dad.The girl was wearing ripped rags for a shirt.She was smiling an evil smile and it stretched around her face.She barely had any hair.

I stepped on the gas as hard as I could.On the way into Las Vegas we heard something in the back.I didn't turn my head around for the rest of the trip there.

When we arrived Katie was still crying.We ordered a hotel room and we got room 379.We looked out the window and saw that little girl.We tried to turn on the TV to calm ourselves down.The message on the TV was

I turned the TV off before we heard the last word.

We were beginning to see that little girl everywhere.Katie was still crying,she wouldn't stop.

And then I wished,wished that I never got out of that car.

Ever heard of a philosophical movement known as solipsism? Basically, according to the solipsist, only he exists. Since his only mind is the only thing he knows to be truly real, nothing else is.

Actually, the logic follows quite nicely. If the senses are our only means of processing information, and the senses are ultimately unreliable, then everything in your head must be - and is the only - reality.

And that's where the unsettling implications start to come in. That thing under the bed, in the attic, that your parents told you is "all in your head?" Well, your parents are also "all in your head." Your sight, your only source of reasoning, so reassuring when you turn the lights on and gasp in relief when you see that nothing's there? All in your head.

The thing in the attic, however, is another story. You've never seen it, you've never heard it, you've never sensed it, but your body really wants your mind to believe that it's not there.

Now why might that be?
If Adventure Time actually did this, I wouldn't be suprised.

Adventure Time: Socrates' Wish (The Lost Episode)

You all probably know about the hit show "Adventure Time" on Cartoon Network. And you all probably saw the premiere...or you think you did.

I was awake in my living room, the time about 3:30 AM, watching TBS. I was surfing through the TV guide, when I came across a new episode of Adventure Time called "Socrates' Wish". I turned it to Cartoon Network, and the intro of the show was just finishing. I laid back in my seat, waiting for the newest episode.

What I saw was drastically unpleasant. It started out in the Candy Kingdom, Finn and Jake racing up to the doors. They burst through them, and I saw the Peppermint Butler's head bitten off by some sort of dragon. Blood squirted out from PB's neck, and the dragon saw Finn and Jake. He flew off.

The pair walk through the castle, seeing all sorts of Candy Kingdom citizens either dead or sitting up, smiling ominously. They walk past Cinnamon Bun, a sit-upper, when suddenly he grabs onto Jake. Finn tries to throw him off, but he is unsuccessful. Jake suddenly turns brown as squelching noises are heard as he falls out of view, as well as the screams of the dog. Finn, cautious, continues on.

He gets to the main part of the palace. Princess Bubblegum is seen sitting in her throne. "Oh, Finn, thank you for coming! All of my citizens have turned into zombies!" I could barely make this out: the audio was blurred a little. "Any time, Princess. I lost Jake on the way here...any way you could help him?" Audio blurred again. "Finn, we can't help the people in Japan, can we?" Finn steps closer. "Japan? What's--" Suddenly, the throne jolts around to find a green Princess Bubblegum with half of her body missing. All that's left is bones. She leaps at Finn, biting his head off gruesomely. Blood spatters out as Finn falls down, dead.

"Down With The Sickness" started to play as some candy zombies carried Jake and Finn's lifeless bodies outside. They throw them off of cliffs, then celebrate. Suddenly, they turn back to normal. Also as sudden, the ground turns into a pack of leeches. In fact, everything turned into leeches. The candy citizens were sucked into the pits of leeches, slowly dying. The scene faded to black, then white text came into view:


It was a traumatic experience, for sure. I slowly went back to sleep, only to be woken up by my mother: it was time for the first day back at elementary school.
The Family Portait

Recently at the art gallery I work at they had a new exhibition for local artists. It was the usual sort of thing; substandard paintings that only got a shoe-in because they were from the local community, paintings of local people and places and so forth. It was my job to decide which paintings got put on display, which entailed me sorting through around a hundred of these awful excuses for art. There was one, though, that really caught my attention. Unlike the others it was not of a local scene or a local person; it was of a family. A father in a suit sitting in a chair, his dutiful wife behind him and his young son and daughter at his feet.
By the looks of their clothes they were from the 19th century, typically dressed for a middle class family of that period. Two things struck me about the painting; firstly the attention to detail and the quality of the artwork was impeccable (almost photogenic) and secondly was the shiver it sent down my spine. The people in the portrait had this eerie, gaunt look to them, and expressions that were so blank they looked almost dead. The painting had no artists name attached to it, and Molly from reception had said that she couldn’t recall anybody sending it in. I decided then that instead of putting the painting on display I would take it home with me; after all it had no name attached to it so nobody was going to miss it were they?

I got home and decided that I was going to hang it in my study, and after hanging it spent the rest of the night filing paperwork. Every so often I would find my eyes drawn to the painting. I felt the strangest, and most uncomfortable, sensation. I felt like the family in the painting were somehow judging me; like I could feel their eyes boring into me from the painting. What’s worse is that because they were staring at the painter (and therefore anybody who looked at the painting) their eyes seemed to follow me around the room. After a while I couldn’t take it anymore, I turned the painting against the wall and vowed that, no matter how interesting it was, I would return it to the gallery the next day. I got a hold of myself though, I had been working quite late and was very tired, and decided that I would sleep on it. I began to finish off the last of my filing at my desk. This was a bad idea; my eyes were heavy and before I knew it I had fallen asleep right there in the study.

That night my dreams were filled with visions of the painting. Over and over again all I dreamed about was that family staring at me from behind the canvas, drilling into my soul with their blank, visionless stares. With every dream they seemed to get more and more intense, until after a while their eyes were wide and they were giving me looks of such intense hatred that I thought they were about to kill me. After a while I snapped into awareness to find myself face to face with the painting, except this time instead of blank expressions I was faced with a hellish vision that will haunt me until I die. Their faces were twisted into looks of absolute malice. Their gaunt waxen skin was drawn taught across their pointed cheekbones, their lips peeled back across blackened gums to reveal gnarled yellow teeth bared in a bestial snarl. The less that was said about their bloodshot, protruding eyes the better. I screamed and fell off my chair, stumbling out the room, unable to turn and look back at the painting. I ran across the hallway and dived into my bed, burying my head under the covers.

The next morning when I woke up I was still terrified. I rationalized it to myself though; you were overtired and you had a night terror, the room was dark and both the shadows and your mind were trying to play tricks on you. I went about my usual routine unperturbed, comforted by the rational logic of my mind. I was about to go to work when I realized I had forgotten about the papers in the study. I opened the door to grab the papers but as soon as I set foot in the room my heart froze and my blood ran cold. The painting was still turned against the wall. Not only that, but my desk had not even been facing the painting to begin with; it was facing the window.
The suicide mouse creepypasta or Suicidemouse.avi

So do any of you remember those Mickey Mouse cartoons from the 1930s? The ones that were just put out on DVDa few years ago? Well, I hear there is one that was unreleased to even the most avid classic disney fans. According to sources, it's nothing special. It's just a continuous loop (like flinstones) of mickey walking past 6 buildings that goes on for two or three minutes before fading out. Unlike the cutesy tunes put in though, the song on this cartoon was not a song at all, just a constant banging on a piano as if the keys for a minute and a half before going to white noise for the remainder of the film. It wasn't the jolly old Mickey we've come to love either, Mickey wasn't dancing, not even smiling, just kind of walking as if you or I were walking, with a normal facial expression, but for some reason his head tilted side to side as he kept this dismal look. Up until a year or two ago, everyone believed that after it cut to black and that was it. When Leonard Maltin was reviewing the cartoon to be put in the complete series, he decided it was too junk to be on the DVD, but wanted to have a digital copy due to the fact that it was a creation of Walt. When he had a digitized version up on his computer to look at the file, he noticed something. The cartoon was actually 9 minutes and 4 seconds long. This is what my source emailed to me, in full (he is a personal assistant of one of the higher executives at Disney, and acquaintance of Mr. Maltin himself)

"After it cut to black, it stayed like that until the 6th minute, before going back into Mickey walking. The sound was different this time. It was a murmur. It wasn't a language, but more like a gurgled cry. As the noise got more indistinguishable and loud over the next minute, the picture began to get weird. The sidewalk started to go in directions that seemed impossible based on the physics of Mickeys walking. And the dismal face of the mouse was slowly curling into a smirk. On the 7th minute, the murmur turned into a bloodcurdling scream (the kind of scream painful to hear) and the picture was getting more obscure. Colors were happening that shouldn't have been possible at the time. Mickey face began to fall apart. his eyes rolled on the bottom of his chin like two marbles in a fishbowl, and his curled smile was pointing upward on the left side of his face. The buildings became rubble floating in midair and the sidewalk was still impossibly navigating in warped directions, a few seeming inconcievable with what we, as humans, know about direction. Mr. Maltin got disturbed and left the room, sending an employee to finish the video and take notes of everything happening up until the last second, and afterward immediately store the disc of the cartoon into the vault. This distorted screaming lasted until 8 minutes and a few seconds in, and then it abruptly cuts to the distorted and creepy mickey mouse face at the credits of the end of every video with what sounded like a broken music box playing in the backround. This happened for about 30 seconds, and whatever was in that remaining 30 seconds I heaven't been able to get a sliver of information. From a security guard working under me who was making rounds outside of that room, I was told that after the last frame, the employee stumbled out of the room with pale skin saying "Real suffering is not known" 7 times before speedily taking the guards pistol and offing himself on the spot. The thing I could get out of Leonard Maltin was that the last frame was a piece of russian text that roughly said "the sights of hell bring its viewers back in". As far as I know, no one else has seen it, but there have been dozens of attempts at getting the file on rapidshare by employees inside the studios, all of whom have been promptly terminated of their jobs. Whether it got online or not is up for debate, but if rumors serve me right, it's online somewhere under "suicidemouse.avi". If you ever find a copy of the film, I want you to never view it, and to contact me by phone immediately, regardless of the time. When a Disney Death is covered up as well as this, it means this has to be something huge.
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.

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