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My novel, the Adventures of Mysty
Ah, I see it now.
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And today, me and Mysty have reached the end of Book One in our roleplaying Big Grin

Of course, we'll probably go on through books two and three before I finish turning it into a readable novel (trollface)
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Thats quirte a lot of JavaScript there.
[Image: 2eehsib.gif]
You discovered the WIP website? Hehehe.
[Image: iwn8gk.gif]
Write more please.
[Image: 2eehsib.gif]
I know I have been slacking a whole lot in writing the novel. This is because I have been roleplaying it out with Mysty very much instead. Every day since November 16th, except for the last three days of November when she was sick, December 17th when I was sick, and December 20th when I was on my way up to visit her, I've been doing that with her.

The shortest has been only 14 lines long (when we were both feeling pretty sick and decided we couldn't continue right then), and the longest has been 613 (when we pulled on from 11:30 AM to 9:30 PM, with the longest pause being 8 minutes.)

This amounts to, more or less, (because sometimes we have really long 'lines' that should be counted as more than one, and sometimes we chat about other stuff in comments) 9,500 lines, and counting.

Now, this is awesome for us, but for the few other people who are interested in the story, it's not so interesting.

So, I've decided I might try a "Quote of the Day" thing. Nothing super-spoiler-ish, just a humorous or typical snippet from our chatlog.

Before I start, a quick spoiler on what we're doing now... (run your mouse to select the 'invisible' text.)

As I said, we're done with Book 1, and now we're at Book 2. It's pretty much a sort of "super-flashback", dealing with what happened before Mysty met Ghosty and ended up at the mountain. Yep, she's not an amnesiac forever Wink

So, my favorite quote from yesterday's chat:

Jacob: There's plenty of time before school, right? I need to talk to you for a bit... Something's up this morning.
Mysty: Wh-what is it...?
Jacob: Well, for one, when I woke up, it was with this book in my hand. (shows you the green-covered book he was reading earlier) I've never seen it before. And look at the title... (it's kind of shadowy out here, but it looks like "The History of French Cows"...?)
Mysty: Well, that's strange.....
Jacob: Yeah. What is it right now... "The History of French Cows"? Why in the world would anyone write about that? Anyway... (stares at it intensely, before flipping it back to you) Look at it now. ("The Story of Francine Cawes"....?!)
Mysty: (I chuckle)...holy cow.......that is so cool!! How did you get it?! Does the story, or the information change with the cover?!
Jacob: Well.... (flips it open to a random page and shows you; the pages are covered in random sentences that make very little sense. As soon as you can read one, they all change into new, similar but obviously different random sentences....)
Mysty: Where did you get it?!
Jacob: I told you, I woke up and it was in my hand. I've never seen it before. I've been trying to figure it out... well, how long has it been... maybe ten minutes? Really only that long...?
Mysty: Some things are meant not to be figured out.....
[spoilerish few lines snipped out]
Jacob: So what's the use of it? Even if I was really interested in... "How to Chew Lobster Tails"... there's no actual information inside. There's just... "When in doubt of your alphabetical relevancy, choose the most narcissistic orange." Which, two seconds later, is "When in debt for your alfalfa relations, chew the most narcotic opal." I mean, I suppose I could get a laugh or two out of it if I were in the mood.
Mysty: Maybe you're looking at it wrong.....may I see...?
Jacob: Go ahead. (holds it out to you; you try to take it, but he won't let go) Umm... that's odd. You're trying to take it, right? Because I'm trying to give it to you....
Mysty: Well let me look at it while you hold it......(I look at it...and as I get closer my eyes feel weirder and weirder.......I start to read it, and touch the page a little....and my eyes started to blast light again....all this information going through my mind.....and that's the last thing I remember.....)...(I think someone is calling my name...)
[and there's some spoilerish stuff after this, but suffice it to say, yep, it was a dream Wink]

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Now, I don't know how much of this is going to make it into the book(s), because we left my half-thought-out plot in a trash can about two weeks ago, but it's fun to write out. Big Grin


Narrative: (the blackness of sleep fades away... what's this?! It looks like your room... but made out of stone..? And there's a carpet made out of wool... your bed is a super-fancy covered type, like some 17th-century royalty's bed... there's no glass in the gothic-looking window... the sky is pure blue... this is another dream, isn't it... just like that one with the book... it has to be, doesn't it?)
Mysty: H-hello.....?
Narrative: (the door is a solid slab of stone, painted red... it's too heavy for you to open... you look out the window... you can see the woods, but there's no backyard, just a field of tall grass... it looks beautiful, but there doesn't seem to be a way out of this room...)
Mysty: Hello? (I say louder)
Narrative: (there's a couple of loud thumps, away to your left, out of sight...)
Jacob: (unseen) Umm... Hello? Mysty? Woah. This can't be right...
Mysty: Where are you...?
Jacob: Hang on... Heading for your voice... this is a dream, isn't it?
Mysty: Well...I think it is....
Jacob: Good... (there are a few more loud thumps... around the side of the stone building, walks Jacob... b-but his head reaches the height of your window....!) That would explain this pretty well. (he looks into your window; his head alone is almost as tall as you are.)
Mysty: What is this place?
Jacob: Well... it looks a little like your house... if your house was a miniature castle. And apparently, I'm a giant... and you... (chuckles) Heh. Nice crown. (you feel your head in surprise... there is a little golden tiara on your head... your hair is quite a bit longer, too. Other than that, you look normal.)
Mysty: (I take the blasted thing off my head hurriedly..)....and I'm Jack.....Jack the giant killer...(I glare at him).....is this your dream world or mine...?
Jacob: I don't think it's mine... If it were my dream it would be a lot less cheerful and a lot more random. Not that it isn't random enough, but there are no flying cats or giant robot cakes here. That I've seen, anyway.
Mysty: Can you shrink down or something....?
Jacob: Ummmm... (closes eyes) Nope... doesn't look like it. (opens his eyes) Conversely, can you grow...?
Mysty: I'd break the.....castle....?
Jacob: Here... (moves back, holds a hand up flat to the window, just beneath it)
Mysty: Nu-uh....I can barely look down out the window....but thanks anyway......you are very intimidating at this size.....I don't like it..(I smirk).....there is no other exits in here....and I am not going out the window....how h-high is it anyway......?
Jacob: Umm... Let's see. Assuming you're the same size, which is about five and a half feet or so, right? That would make me, and your window... hmm. Thirty feet? Thirty-five?
Mysty: O-oh...
Jacob: I won't drop you, I promise.
Mysty: Uh, no.....I'm good....
Jacob: Okay, if you're sure. (moves back so he's eye-level with your room) Now, there are a few things we could do here.... A! We figure out a way to get you down and explore this dream and have fun. B! We try to wake up somehow. Or C! We can talk about what happened in the real world today, that I wasn't physically able to tell you in reality.
Mysty: I like C...let's go with C.... (I don't know if it really is the "real world"...though....)
Jacob: Okay... Well. You're probably gonna wanna sit down for this. It's got a reasonably happy ending, but the beginning's bad and the middle's miserable.
Mysty: ...Uh oh....a happy ending..?...doesn't sound good....
Jacob: (his eyes staring in at the window half close) Ha ha. Seriously, you should sit down.... not that I'm sure it really matters, since we're in a dream... but still.
Mysty: The room is empty... except for the bed... (I sit down on the bed) Story time. (I smile)

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I'm sorry I haven't posted any quotes recently. Things have gotten a little too crazy and overspoilery to post much without giving away stuff.

I am thinking about trying to just condense all the RPing of 'Book 1' into one document and putting it up, so that you guys have at least that to read while I'm not very active writing the novel form.
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Okay, I finally put together some of the RPing into something you guys can read. It's not pretty, and it's only part of the first three days (out of about sixty) but it's better than nothing. Link is here.
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FINALLY, another chapter has been added. Smile

Right after we finished working through Book 2... Yeah, we're doing that way more than we should.
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