Quest for the Sword [Concept]
You are a young boy who decides he will become a quester, he notices almost all heros in his books have their trusty swords, unfortunately his corner store doesn't sell any swords, so he embarks on...

The Quest for the Sword!

(I'll make a proper logo soon :P)

I'll try and script cutscenes. At the very least your character will talk during the game. (e.g. when he gets near a monster lair "I don't like the look of that cave...)

I'll also try and make the game nice and fun, since the kid has no sword yet he could maybe have weapons such as sticky chewing gum and a space hopper.

I may have to split the game into two 'Parts' as I'm not sure how much Buildism can take lagwise...
For lag testing, make a place that spawns a brick like this:

while true do
b = create("Box")
b.Parent = game.World
b.Size = Vec2D(15,4)
b.Position = Vec2D(game.World.Character.Body.Position.x + 20, game.World.Character.Body.Position.y + 2)
b.MaxForce = 0.01
rock = create("Circle")
rock.Parent = game.World
rock.Radius = 5
rock.Position = Vec2D(b.Position.x, b.Position.y + 15)
rock.Fixed = false

That should work...
Anyway, make that a script, make sure your character is in the game, run it, and wait until there are so many fragments that the game starts to lag. Hope this helps Big Grin
A quick note though: You can't "store" bricks anywhere like you can in ROBLOX's Lighting. You'd have to have them all in the world, or make them via script.
(04-04-2011, 04:38 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: For lag testing, make a place that spawns a brick like this:

while true do
b = create("Box")
b.Parent = game.World
b.Size = Vec2D(15,4)
b.Position = Vec2D(game.World.Character.Body.Position.x + 20, game.World.Character.Body.Position.y + 2)
b.MaxForce = 0.01
rock = create("Circle")
rock.Parent = game.World
rock.Radius = 5
rock.Position = Vec2D(b.Position.x, b.Position.y + 15)
rock.Fixed = false

That should work...
Anyway, make that a script, make sure your character is in the game, run it, and wait until there are so many fragments that the game starts to lag. Hope this helps Big Grin

Nice idea, but I have a feeling certain bricks such as Water blocks will lag more and certain scripts would be laggier, I think I should just keep going and see if it gets too laggy.
(04-04-2011, 04:40 PM)Duck Wrote: Nice idea, but I have a feeling certain bricks such as Water blocks will lag more and certain scripts would be laggier, I think I should just keep going and see if it gets too laggy.

Water doesnt move. Moving blocks cause massively more lag than fixed blocks. Also, only scripts that have really short loops (while true do wait() etc.) should cause much lag.
(04-04-2011, 04:41 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Water doesnt move. Moving blocks cause massively more lag than fixed blocks. Also, only scripts that have really short loops (while true do wait() etc.) should cause much lag.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks.
I think I will start either in about 40 minutes or tomorrow.
Sounds like a cool game.

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