Story of Luckyone
Luckyone was an archbishop mage at a grand church but when he was later deceived and murdered by his own friends, he seeked revenge beyond life itself. He was revived and was a dark magic necromancer therefore, would do anything to finish his duty until revisiting death. Luckyone is now a powerful necromancer that can utilize bone magic, making him able to extend bones as weapons, armor, anything to his hearts content. Luckyone is the ultimate undead weapon of warfare, he is LuckyOne.
(04-14-2011, 01:15 PM)Luckyone Wrote: Luckyone was an archbishop mage at a grand church but when he was later deceived and murdered by his own friends, he seeked revenge beyond life itself. He was revived and was a dark magic necromancer therefore, would do anything to finish his duty until revisiting death. Luckyone is now a powerful necromancer that can utilize bone magic, making him able to extend bones as weapons, armor, anything to his hearts content. Luckyone is the ultimate undead weapon of warfare, he is LuckyOne.

That is, until we bomb you.
:O .....
And sazaho is an artist that longs for the day he gets proper animation equipment Big Grin

nice creative story btw, A*
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
Ehhhhhh, im alot better then this, i just did it for a 5 second quickie. Im also writing a book, and a poem writer.
sweet Tongue
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
Thanks, i wonder how many people are going to say "p03ms ar3 f0r g1rlS"...wait thats right this is BUILDISM not RT.
Poems aren't for girls, I'm quite poetic when I need/want to be Smile
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
Very cool, Very cool. Say, what kind you write? i write "gothic" poetry. Or dark poetry, in my case i can be a dark person.
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Story poems I guess? Or ones that rhyme, kinda.
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]

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