School sucks.....
Here are some reasons why School sucks even This is my second day of the 2 and a half month summer break:
1. You learn useless crap like Music,art,Gym,etc. Why do need to learn Music when your not becoming a musician? That is stupid. We should be able to learn stuff we actually like.
2. Lunch tastes bad like Cat poop. The lunch is so (censored) that is tastes like horse crap.
3. The teachers are Soooo mean but most at my school are not.

Please tell me if you want me to add more reasons.
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.
For me, gym is fun.
I usually get unnecessary amounts of work..
Gym and lunch are my favorite parts of school lol.
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I prefer teachers that rage when you get on their bad side. Gives me fear.
Same and recess....
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the only reason I don't like music class is because the teacher is weird (looks like a stoner) and since nobody knows anything about music he has to teach the super basic stuff
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Siggy by McNoobster!
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1. You CHOOSE to learn music.

2. Call music crap again, and I will personally make sure you perish and suffer for eternity in the raging inferno. (Yes, I am evil.)

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No at my school the concerts are not required but Music specials is, thankfully I'm not at school.
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.

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