Why Kieron's ban was only 1 week
I chose not to permaban Kieron, because aside from some poor decisions, he seems (most of the time) like he wants to be a good member of the community, but he just doesn't know how to behave on a forum. He joined during the ROBLOX raid 2 months ago, but he didn't get banned until late April--it just seems like he doesn't know how to keep his emotions from making him do stupid things on the internet, which is a problem that I had at his age.

I made it an IP ban because I realized that he might be thinking that bans don't matter because he can always make more alts, since that seems to be the spirit on ROBLOX. So I'm just going to treat him like a normal member now, without any prejudices, and if his warning level reaches 100%, he will be permanently IP banned. This really is is final chance, I know Luckyone told me that I had said that before but that isn't true.
I agree. I told him it might be for the best if he just lays low for a while -- works on his Flash game, builds some stuff in the editor, makes some skins, but keeps relatively out of the forums since that's where all the fire seems to happen. I mean, on ROBLOX there are very very few people who get banned for something besides the forums, and over half that are get banned for something dealing with or aggravated by in-game chat. By staying out of the main community until either

1: You mature

2: They mature

3: You have something important to say

you can avoid most issues.

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