Moderators aren't doing their job?
If the moderators aren't banning someone who is breaking the rules, have you checked the 'users online' part of the forums at the bottom of the page? There might be no moderators online, if that is the case, try and contact them via EMAIL, some moderators have revealed their emails for that purpose.

If there is a moderator online, and he/she hasn't took action on the broken rule, why don't you REPORT it? The moderator(s) may not have spotted the broken rule. (To report press the REPORT BUTTON that can be seen at the bottom on every post)

If you don't want to report, you can just send a moderator a PRIVATE MESSAGE, by going to their profile and clicking the 'send PM' button.

Another variation to this is to make a THREAD, but don't accuse moderators of not doing there job in that thread, because we can assure you, we are doing our job.

{The suggestions are highlighted in bold, so they stand out}
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
well said.
Mods can't always be here moderating the forums.
Me no understandy medornglish
Sending me an email, note, is not an efficient way. I do not check emails much. Instead, tweet me, AndrewTooCool (or Zontafer) -!/AndrewTooCool
[Image: poptartFINALTINY.gif]
[Image: log.png?t=1302647037]
Never complained about the Modration acctions, never complained about anything! i hope SOME people learn something about this :p
(06-03-2011, 04:09 PM)Micky Wrote: Never complained about the Modration acctions, never complained about anything! i hope SOME people learn something about this :p





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