06-07-2011, 02:14 AM
I saw about 11 manatees!!!! At this time of year their is about ONLY 40 in the BIG river! First the water was cloudy and dirty. The manatee came up to be and my bro and my dad! I paniced because it was grey and moldy and rought! The water was about 10 ft their! Their was just 4 people on are tour! (me dad, mom and bro). :3 Anyways. We went to shallow water. It was ADORIBLE! A calf! It was chewing my dad's leg! :lol: I never knew how friendly they where! My dad (sort of) stood on one.. It swam underneath him! (You could get fined up to 100k dollars for that ya know...). It was like a smoth rought carpet. :mrgreen: Then we saw a othher 3! But then on the radio they told us to go somewhere elese with a speshailz manatee! This is where waters where CLEAR! It was about 3 foot here. It was a manatee with s tracking thing on him. Sadly is mother died when he was a calf. So for 2 1/2 years he was in a dolphin tank! Normaly if you spash they get scared, this one didn't. He acts likd a dophlin! xD He rolled over! :3 You could drink the water because their was a blue lagoon thing where spring water comes out! (It was like 2 ft deep though). xD Great day.. :3