Hey, Jacob_, did you mean it so that you can jump whilst falling?

Because once you fall from a height, you can jump again while in midair.
(06-11-2011, 10:53 AM)AK-47 Wrote: Because once you fall from a height, you can jump again while in midair.

Also, if you bounce off of a really bouncy thing. I've done that many times at my Obcourse.
That's technically a bug. Is it bad enough to need fixing?
I actually like it.

It's like a double jump.
Would be another hole to patch if you're building a platform game, though.
I kinda like it.

It allows me to jump to terrain too high to jump to.
It actually prevents you from dying if you fall from a great hiegth to the bottom of the map
[Image: cxAECR.png]
[Image: r8umfc.gif]
(06-12-2011, 10:55 PM)roperson Wrote: I kinda like it.

It allows me to jump to terrain too high to jump to.

Yeah, true.

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