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Community Project: Buildismaran
I've worked on Buildismaran for a little bit now, and Fish has suggested that we make a "community project" for ALL Buildism users to take part in.

What Buildismaran is: Buildismaran is a multi-world game where you can travel between places in the land of Buildismaran and find and play games inside each world.

How you guys can help:
  • Make worlds. A mountain range perhaps? A small forest? A few houses grouped together in a tiny township? Make it detailed and not too small and I'll add it.
  • Make single-world "games". Maybe it's a race against an NPC to catch an object that bounces around a large Platform-filled map? Maybe it's a Buildism version of Pong or Pac-man? As long as there's a goal. Don't worry about how to make the end of the game bring you back to the main worlds of Buildismaran, just add a comment at the part of the script where you win (or lose, if you wish).
  • Make "Character" skins. Like our default Jeff, my skin George, or Sazaho's Sam. These will either be used as the Teleporter-Chat guys or people who inhabit each world.
  • If you can't make it, tell us your idea. Even if you aren't a great scripter or builder, post your ideas and those of us who can might attempt to make them.
  • Make short Background Music loops. Like my BGMusic Loops post in my Sound List. If you need some software, Jacob_ and I use LMMS .
There is no deadline. This isn't a contest, there are no winners or losers. There will be a Credits UI showing who created each skin, world, and game. Any and all suggestions and creations will be considered at the least. Don't worry about trying to make it fit in with the rest of Buildismaran -- I'll make sure it's all integrated nicely.

Have fun with this, guys!

Qwertygiy, owner of KeyBored and Buildismaran
Make it to where all of us chat with Default Jeff as the main character. In between teleports or whatever.
[Image: finn_flag.gif]
You mean a sort of "This world will be the Lagoon. This is what you can do here" or "This game is Cave Swimming. Here's how you play...." kinda introduction?
Yeah, like that.
[Image: finn_flag.gif]
Yeah, like that.
[Image: finn_flag.gif]
I'm Bad at Scripting, but, I do have Glome's Teleport Pad, and I could use it to my Works. ^_^
I'm awesome at building. Big Grin
[Image: poptartFINALTINY.gif]
[Image: log.png?t=1302647037]
Me, too. ^_^ I have an Awesome Idea, but I need another Game Slot. Sad
Once you make a World or Game, upload the game itself as an Attachment and I'll use the new World Import to put it in Buildismaran.
Allright! I'll Make the poster for it! Also I'll be the main Artist. Maybe we ad here and Jeff in.. They got Teleported and have to find Jacob_ who was captured by.. Erhh.. My Monster thing Demon res.. Sound good?

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