07-17-2011, 06:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2011, 06:50 AM by 18cwatford.)
Jacob McKibben Grades show your work ethic, not how smart you are imo. :>
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Davis Dickens I wouldn't say they show work ethic either. IMO grades just show how much you care about school.
2 hours ago · Like
Jacob McKibben That is called a work ethic...
2 hours ago · Like
Davis Dickens
You should take the added effort to understand the words you use. Work ethic refers to the quality of someone's quality of work. According to you someone's work ethic is based soley on their grades. So what if they have bad grades but When it comes to sports or some other activity they're extremely hard working and dedicated? Does that mean they have bad work ethic? Either way you answer this question you'll be wrong.
2 hours ago · Like
Jacob McKibben Well by this definition, you contradicted your earlier statement that school is about how much you care. If someone is trying but fails and fails, the quality of their work is bad meaning they have a bad work ethic regardless of their view on how important it is. Likewise, someone caring for their work is a reflection of their work ethic. It essentially means how you view what you are doing.
2 hours ago · Like
Davis Dickens
I don't remember saying that the person was trying to raise their grade. You assumed that to try and make a basis for your base-less argument. He has bad grades, if he was trying he'd have good grades. But just because he doesn't care about school, doesn't mean he has a bad work ethic. Having a bad work ethic means he's not hard working or dilligent, which would be true except for the fact that he's hard working and dilligent when it comes to sports. When you use a word at least take the time to know the meaning. Work ethic is a set of values based on hard work and diligence.
I guess by your standards you don't have good work ethic huh.
2 hours ago · Like
Davis Dickens If it means how you view what you are doing, then I'm right.
2 hours ago · Like
Jacob McKibben You keep contradicting yourself, you said that you never said anything about a person trying to be better, then you say your example is someone trying hard.
Dude reread what you wrote instead of rambling, I am not the baseless type I use your facts against you.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens ‎... You make up facts to try to use against me. Regardless I know your type, you're like my brother. You don't stop talking even though you're clearly wrong, you just keep going until you think everything else thinks you're right.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens Regardless Einstein I digress, if you can't see your own stupid I'm not going to waste my time trying to help you see it. It's your problem
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben I don't make up facts sir. If you need proof I can just quote your own statement. "So what if they have bad grades but When it comes to sports or some other activity they're extremely hard working and dedicated? "
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben You have lost this match and I will end it with this statement:
U mad bro?
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens What ever keeps you from killing yourself kid.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens I don't think I've lost, I just think making you realize you've lost is more boring then beating you.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens
I'll end with this statement:
whats worse, a kid pretending to be a troll, or a kid too stupid to realize how stupid he is.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens oh wait, that's a question.
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben A certain person, but that does not concern you. I haven't lost, you lost buy using emotion and insult inorder to further support your opinion.
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben Oh no grammar fail above.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens lol, Logic reason and evidence doesn't do the trick with you, so you're a genuine waste of time either way. By the way just because it hurts your feelings doesn't mean it's emotion, simply put the truth hurts my friend.
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben No, I mean you lost once you slipped your cool and decided to use something other than evidence and fact to counter my argument. Is it wrong to use your statement and turn it around against you?
Sir you must learn how to debate better. Using what you think only will not work, it is too one sided and does not convince the other party.
59 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens
I used evidence and Fact, you simply ignored evidence and fact and decided to introduce fabricated examples. If you lack logic how am I supposed to use logic to fight with your lack there of, exactly there's no point. I'm not saying it's wrong to use evidence against your opponent, I'm just saying it's wrong to feel smart and be stupid.
Anyway, if debating is making shit up, then you along with Bush and Sara Palin must be the Masters.
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben
Alongside this, "what if's" do not work in this type of argument because it is an endless stream of assumptions. Using a comparison works but posing a fictional example to use as evidence does not work.
That's like if in court the defense goes "but what if he decided to not steal the money? Would that make him bad?". No solid fact from persecution is that the person stole money.
I never fabricated an example, only you posed examples.
57 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben The only if's and comparisons were answers to your what if questions. I didn't fabricate anything, I based it off of your posed example.
53 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens But since you need evidence for your own stupid, I'll give it to you. I gave an example of a man who isn't trying to be good in school but instead is trying his hardest to be good at sports. You then told me I contradicted myself because I said he was trying to be better in school and failed. So how is he trying to be better at school, if he doesn't care about school?
52 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens Work ethic is a set of values based on hard work and diligence, by that definition, he has a good work ethic. He works hard and diligently at what he loves to do, that's work ethic. Therefore I'm right, and put some ice on that ass, because I can clearly see you're butthurt.
49 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben
I said this "If someone is trying but fails and fails, the quality of their work is bad meaning they have a bad work ethic regardless of their view on how important it is. Likewise, someone caring for their work is a reflection of their work ethic."
Even if both are 2 opposite views on something, they are both work ethic. If someone doesn't care for school they have a bad work ethic in that area, and the trying in sports shows a good work ethic. However, it also show that this person is lacking in their effort because they put something above another and are not well rounded therefore resulting is an over all bad work ethic.
Sir the only one butthurt is you because I said you contradicted yourself.
52 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens LOL, so then does he have bad work ethic or good work ethic, you can't pull a deus ex machina when ever you're backed into a corner. He can't go from bad work ethic to he only has bad work ethic in that one area. Please stop contradicting yourself, also remember to change the ice on that hurt ass of yours.
45 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben No, I said he is bad in an area and good in another. However, due to not being well rounded in his work, he is considered bad.
I summed that up in the following sentence. You are completely falling apart within this debate, I think you should take a rest and recollect what your initial argument was.
42 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens
I mean, based on YOUR opinion of work ethic, he has bad work ethic. Based on the DEFINITION of work ethic (you vs reality, of course reality wins) Work ethic is a set of values based on hard work and diligence, So if his values are in sports he has a good work ethic, if his values were in school how ever you'd be right.
I mean when it comes down to it, it's your opinion vs reality and since you're nothing more then human, you can't change reality. So since Reality wins over your opinion I win. I'd like to say GF, but repeating the same stupid thing while stroking your ego is just amateur, and amateur is in no way a good fight.
46 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens L2 Debate homes.
41 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben Reality would agree because it says the value based on hard work. If his bad work out weighs his good work, he has bad work. You keep saying that you are successful yet I continue to show that you have misinterpreted your own evidence.
40 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens So, if he becomes an olympic athlete based on his hard work and diligence, but doesn't get good grades, he has bad work ethic?
You keep saying you're making me contradict yourself, I think you're ego and your conceited thought patterns are causing you to do these mental gymnastics in your head that allow you to think you're opinion (how ever pathetic and worthless it is) reigns over reality.
37 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens I sort of understand how socrates feels "the who know, aren't talking, the people who are talkin, don't know" Edo G.
36 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben
I like how you took a line from South Park which shows you are running out of ideas. Anyway, like I said before, that person is still not well rounded. If someone is a GREAT athlete, but got F's throughout school, it shows they have bad work ethic because they cannot juggle both things and do well in both.
There is no excuse to why someone cannot be smart and good at their favourite sport.
Now again go over your evidence and find me something that does not have the same answer as the outcome. Also you posed another what if.
39 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens Okay, now you're contradicting yourself AGAIN, you just said grades don't determine if someone is smart or not. Oh as for taking mental gymnastics from southpark; my bad I didn't realize quoting something was bad.
31 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens Please though, stop pulling all this Deus ex machina shit outa your ass, you're like a bad writer.
31 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben
You are the only one who is breaking down and slipping. Yes, I did accidentally write smart but the main point is that someone should be able to juggle both.
Quoting from a comedic source that is not accurate is not good. That's like if you quoted from wikipedia and said "my bad I didn't realize quoting something was bad." People will automatically go 'what a smartass acting like this is a broad topic of quoting'.
No, the specfic source is the problem, not the fact that you used a quote. ne
34 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens Well, you say I'm slipping but you're making the mistakes, you're contradicting yourself again. Also, how is my quoting of southpark not accurate enough? You're mind makes you think you're right, something akin to cartman. Mental Gymnastics for lack of better terms allows me to give identity to your conceited nature. So what's wrong with using a quote from a comedic source? Does that make the quote invalid?
25 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben
It's invalid because I haven't done anything. You are essentially trying to say I am mentally ill because I have countered all of your arguments. How have I contradicted myself? My wikipedia example is a comparison rather than a posed question directed towards you.
You lost after you said I assumed. Please stop, it's the same thing over and over. Just give up, you can't beat someone like me because I will keep chewing at you regardless of what you say because my initial opinion has more basis than yours.
19 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens
Well I'm tired, you were fun. Stupid, ignorant, conceited, but you gave me something to do for the last 40 minutes. But you know what Cowboy bebop is on, and although it's still not the greatest anime, it's better then reading your shit.
Tl:Dr get over yourself, or kill yourself, you lost, you're wrong, you're butthurt, choose one or the other it doesn't matter to me, accept the loss gracefully, or continue on talking to yourself as if you've won. Good bye
29 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben ‎@your last response:
TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL you got so butthurt. xD
Sorry, messing with kids on the internet is too much fun! Especially if their ignorance goes as far as to tell someone to give up life over an argument that means nothing to the person you are talking to.
5 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben Also learn that TL;DR means "Too long; Didn't read". The message following is supposed to be a summary of the above in one sentence. It is not the same thing as a PS. where you go off topic.
I love how his last name is censored and some of the times make paradoxes because I had to recopy it due to the see more.
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Davis Dickens I wouldn't say they show work ethic either. IMO grades just show how much you care about school.
2 hours ago · Like
Jacob McKibben That is called a work ethic...
2 hours ago · Like
Davis Dickens
You should take the added effort to understand the words you use. Work ethic refers to the quality of someone's quality of work. According to you someone's work ethic is based soley on their grades. So what if they have bad grades but When it comes to sports or some other activity they're extremely hard working and dedicated? Does that mean they have bad work ethic? Either way you answer this question you'll be wrong.
2 hours ago · Like
Jacob McKibben Well by this definition, you contradicted your earlier statement that school is about how much you care. If someone is trying but fails and fails, the quality of their work is bad meaning they have a bad work ethic regardless of their view on how important it is. Likewise, someone caring for their work is a reflection of their work ethic. It essentially means how you view what you are doing.
2 hours ago · Like
Davis Dickens
I don't remember saying that the person was trying to raise their grade. You assumed that to try and make a basis for your base-less argument. He has bad grades, if he was trying he'd have good grades. But just because he doesn't care about school, doesn't mean he has a bad work ethic. Having a bad work ethic means he's not hard working or dilligent, which would be true except for the fact that he's hard working and dilligent when it comes to sports. When you use a word at least take the time to know the meaning. Work ethic is a set of values based on hard work and diligence.
I guess by your standards you don't have good work ethic huh.
2 hours ago · Like
Davis Dickens If it means how you view what you are doing, then I'm right.
2 hours ago · Like
Jacob McKibben You keep contradicting yourself, you said that you never said anything about a person trying to be better, then you say your example is someone trying hard.
Dude reread what you wrote instead of rambling, I am not the baseless type I use your facts against you.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens ‎... You make up facts to try to use against me. Regardless I know your type, you're like my brother. You don't stop talking even though you're clearly wrong, you just keep going until you think everything else thinks you're right.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens Regardless Einstein I digress, if you can't see your own stupid I'm not going to waste my time trying to help you see it. It's your problem
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben I don't make up facts sir. If you need proof I can just quote your own statement. "So what if they have bad grades but When it comes to sports or some other activity they're extremely hard working and dedicated? "
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben You have lost this match and I will end it with this statement:
U mad bro?
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens What ever keeps you from killing yourself kid.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens I don't think I've lost, I just think making you realize you've lost is more boring then beating you.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens
I'll end with this statement:
whats worse, a kid pretending to be a troll, or a kid too stupid to realize how stupid he is.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens oh wait, that's a question.
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben A certain person, but that does not concern you. I haven't lost, you lost buy using emotion and insult inorder to further support your opinion.
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben Oh no grammar fail above.
about an hour ago · Like
Davis Dickens lol, Logic reason and evidence doesn't do the trick with you, so you're a genuine waste of time either way. By the way just because it hurts your feelings doesn't mean it's emotion, simply put the truth hurts my friend.
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben No, I mean you lost once you slipped your cool and decided to use something other than evidence and fact to counter my argument. Is it wrong to use your statement and turn it around against you?
Sir you must learn how to debate better. Using what you think only will not work, it is too one sided and does not convince the other party.
59 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens
I used evidence and Fact, you simply ignored evidence and fact and decided to introduce fabricated examples. If you lack logic how am I supposed to use logic to fight with your lack there of, exactly there's no point. I'm not saying it's wrong to use evidence against your opponent, I'm just saying it's wrong to feel smart and be stupid.
Anyway, if debating is making shit up, then you along with Bush and Sara Palin must be the Masters.
about an hour ago · Like
Jacob McKibben
Alongside this, "what if's" do not work in this type of argument because it is an endless stream of assumptions. Using a comparison works but posing a fictional example to use as evidence does not work.
That's like if in court the defense goes "but what if he decided to not steal the money? Would that make him bad?". No solid fact from persecution is that the person stole money.
I never fabricated an example, only you posed examples.
57 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben The only if's and comparisons were answers to your what if questions. I didn't fabricate anything, I based it off of your posed example.
53 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens But since you need evidence for your own stupid, I'll give it to you. I gave an example of a man who isn't trying to be good in school but instead is trying his hardest to be good at sports. You then told me I contradicted myself because I said he was trying to be better in school and failed. So how is he trying to be better at school, if he doesn't care about school?
52 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens Work ethic is a set of values based on hard work and diligence, by that definition, he has a good work ethic. He works hard and diligently at what he loves to do, that's work ethic. Therefore I'm right, and put some ice on that ass, because I can clearly see you're butthurt.
49 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben
I said this "If someone is trying but fails and fails, the quality of their work is bad meaning they have a bad work ethic regardless of their view on how important it is. Likewise, someone caring for their work is a reflection of their work ethic."
Even if both are 2 opposite views on something, they are both work ethic. If someone doesn't care for school they have a bad work ethic in that area, and the trying in sports shows a good work ethic. However, it also show that this person is lacking in their effort because they put something above another and are not well rounded therefore resulting is an over all bad work ethic.
Sir the only one butthurt is you because I said you contradicted yourself.
52 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens LOL, so then does he have bad work ethic or good work ethic, you can't pull a deus ex machina when ever you're backed into a corner. He can't go from bad work ethic to he only has bad work ethic in that one area. Please stop contradicting yourself, also remember to change the ice on that hurt ass of yours.
45 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben No, I said he is bad in an area and good in another. However, due to not being well rounded in his work, he is considered bad.
I summed that up in the following sentence. You are completely falling apart within this debate, I think you should take a rest and recollect what your initial argument was.
42 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens
I mean, based on YOUR opinion of work ethic, he has bad work ethic. Based on the DEFINITION of work ethic (you vs reality, of course reality wins) Work ethic is a set of values based on hard work and diligence, So if his values are in sports he has a good work ethic, if his values were in school how ever you'd be right.
I mean when it comes down to it, it's your opinion vs reality and since you're nothing more then human, you can't change reality. So since Reality wins over your opinion I win. I'd like to say GF, but repeating the same stupid thing while stroking your ego is just amateur, and amateur is in no way a good fight.
46 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens L2 Debate homes.
41 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben Reality would agree because it says the value based on hard work. If his bad work out weighs his good work, he has bad work. You keep saying that you are successful yet I continue to show that you have misinterpreted your own evidence.
40 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens So, if he becomes an olympic athlete based on his hard work and diligence, but doesn't get good grades, he has bad work ethic?
You keep saying you're making me contradict yourself, I think you're ego and your conceited thought patterns are causing you to do these mental gymnastics in your head that allow you to think you're opinion (how ever pathetic and worthless it is) reigns over reality.
37 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens I sort of understand how socrates feels "the who know, aren't talking, the people who are talkin, don't know" Edo G.
36 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben
I like how you took a line from South Park which shows you are running out of ideas. Anyway, like I said before, that person is still not well rounded. If someone is a GREAT athlete, but got F's throughout school, it shows they have bad work ethic because they cannot juggle both things and do well in both.
There is no excuse to why someone cannot be smart and good at their favourite sport.
Now again go over your evidence and find me something that does not have the same answer as the outcome. Also you posed another what if.
39 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens Okay, now you're contradicting yourself AGAIN, you just said grades don't determine if someone is smart or not. Oh as for taking mental gymnastics from southpark; my bad I didn't realize quoting something was bad.
31 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens Please though, stop pulling all this Deus ex machina shit outa your ass, you're like a bad writer.
31 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben
You are the only one who is breaking down and slipping. Yes, I did accidentally write smart but the main point is that someone should be able to juggle both.
Quoting from a comedic source that is not accurate is not good. That's like if you quoted from wikipedia and said "my bad I didn't realize quoting something was bad." People will automatically go 'what a smartass acting like this is a broad topic of quoting'.
No, the specfic source is the problem, not the fact that you used a quote. ne
34 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens Well, you say I'm slipping but you're making the mistakes, you're contradicting yourself again. Also, how is my quoting of southpark not accurate enough? You're mind makes you think you're right, something akin to cartman. Mental Gymnastics for lack of better terms allows me to give identity to your conceited nature. So what's wrong with using a quote from a comedic source? Does that make the quote invalid?
25 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben
It's invalid because I haven't done anything. You are essentially trying to say I am mentally ill because I have countered all of your arguments. How have I contradicted myself? My wikipedia example is a comparison rather than a posed question directed towards you.
You lost after you said I assumed. Please stop, it's the same thing over and over. Just give up, you can't beat someone like me because I will keep chewing at you regardless of what you say because my initial opinion has more basis than yours.
19 minutes ago · Like
Davis Dickens
Well I'm tired, you were fun. Stupid, ignorant, conceited, but you gave me something to do for the last 40 minutes. But you know what Cowboy bebop is on, and although it's still not the greatest anime, it's better then reading your shit.
Tl:Dr get over yourself, or kill yourself, you lost, you're wrong, you're butthurt, choose one or the other it doesn't matter to me, accept the loss gracefully, or continue on talking to yourself as if you've won. Good bye
29 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben ‎@your last response:
TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL you got so butthurt. xD
Sorry, messing with kids on the internet is too much fun! Especially if their ignorance goes as far as to tell someone to give up life over an argument that means nothing to the person you are talking to.
5 minutes ago · Like
Jacob McKibben Also learn that TL;DR means "Too long; Didn't read". The message following is supposed to be a summary of the above in one sentence. It is not the same thing as a PS. where you go off topic.
I love how his last name is censored and some of the times make paradoxes because I had to recopy it due to the see more.
![[Image: siggggg.gif?t=1312782506]](http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll20/sonic3895/siggggg.gif?t=1312782506)
![[Image: signature.png?t=1312081740]](http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll20/sonic3895/signature.png?t=1312081740)