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My theoretical posting strategy on Buildism
Good day to the Buildism community,

I do not know if any of you have noticed, but my post count on Buildism has been very low compared to many of you, considering the fact that I've extremely active on Buildism as of recent. There is a reason for this, and I would like to share it with you all. Perhaps some of you will understand the logic behind conserving one's posts on the Buildism forum. I hope that you guys use my example to your advantage, as it will save many of you from getting warned / banned, getting into flame wars (to all degrees), becoming known as a spammer / annoyance to the community, becoming disrespected, or similar. The list goes on. I'm going to do my best to keep this thread as short as possible, yet at the same time, I'll also try to make my point loud and clear.

As you all know, it's a great thing to be active on the forum, but that doesn't always mean responding to every thread that you come across. Responding to everything, or even close to everything for that matter, will generally bring you trouble sooner or later, which could mean a lot of things. A lot of you make this mistake as to post on everything including threads that are spam, pointless, or against the Buildism rules. Why is this bad?

Well, let me give you a few examples. Let's say that there is a "spammer" on the loose chain-spamming or just rapidly creating new pointless or insulting threads / posts on the forum. What good would it be for a Buildism member to reply to the spammer saying, "Stop spamming"? It won't do anything to stop the situation; if anything, posting something like that will "add to the fire". In other words, making such a post will make matters worse. Why not leave that up to the staff to deal with? After all, they have the right to respond to such threads with moderation action, which is a lot more effective than a mini-mod trying to end the spammer's rage by posting "Stop spamming".

Another example I can give you is this: when a Buildism member posts a pointless thread, or a thread that is irrelevant to you, then all you have to do is not post on it. If you do not feel that the thread does anything for you, then what is the point of posting on it? If your response to that question is honestly, "to get my post count up", then that is not an excuse. Pointless threads should be locked / removed from the public forum by the Buildism moderation team, so does it really look good to the staff / community if you are, again, feeding the fire by replying to pointless threads with more pointless replies or any replies at all? I don't think so. If someone makes a thread titled, "I like pie", for a silly example, then I don't even both to open it. Neither should you guys, because it would be a plain waste of time. The administration, on the other hand, has every reason to open the thread so that they can moderate it. The only reason that I would open the thread is to send a report to the moderation team so that they can deal with it. Don't make yourself look bad to the staff and community. by feeding into pointless threads.

In addition, even if the thread isn't pointless but it doesn't pertain or do anything for you in any way, shape, or form, then don't respond to it. There isn't any reason to go out of your way to write, "tl;dr", or "I don't know anything about this, sorry", or something else to that extent. It looks terrible when you do that.

The last large point that I am going to make in this thread (I have more, but I already see this thread becoming overwhelmingly large) is that when you come across a thread that is not abiding the Buildism terms of service, then the last thing you want to do (as a regular member) is mini-moderate it, or feed the fire. Mini-moderating these rule-breaking threads is not only against the rules (as of recently apparently), but it also lowers your image to the community. Just don't respond to those kinds of threads.

If you have read this far, I just want to give you a sincere thank you. Don't just thank me for writing this thread though; thank yourself for taking the time to read it. It will help you more than you know in the long run. Remember one more thing: the staff do not, by any means, need to follow this thread's concepts, because they have a job - a duty to fulfill. Their job requires them to respond to these threads, either through making a post reminding the user not to make such threads / posts, or by even going as far as to take moderation action against the thread or user.

Thank you for your time, and best of luck on your foruming careers on Buildism! I hope I was a good help to the community by writing this thread up.
Ryne Thiel
Yes, I see your point on about this.
Quality > Quantity. Posting something useless on a useless thread is just spam inside of spam...

[Image: AmZJnA9.png]
(08-06-2011, 05:00 PM)Glome Wrote: Yes, I see your point on about this.
Quality > Quantity. Posting something useless on a useless thread is just spam inside of spam...


Thank you for understanding my point so clearly. You couldn't have made a better indirect analogy. Also, I thank you for reading and taking the time to respond. I am sure that you understand where I am coming from considering your brilliant response.
Ryne Thiel
This is a message board, posts aren't supposed to be very long. Many times I think I write too much as a response. It's not a chat room, but it's not necessary to only post one long document at a time.
[Image: siggggg.gif?t=1312782506]

[Image: signature.png?t=1312081740]
Ming-Yan, I see you took the time to copy and paste your friendly message from my other thread and post it on this one. You want your moderator position back, yet you can't even read my thread and give a decent response? If you don't care enough about the community to read a thread that is backed by the staff that is meant to help the community, then I don't see any reason why you should get your position back. Sorry.
Ryne Thiel
(08-07-2011, 10:45 PM)Ming-Yan Wrote: This is a message board, posts aren't supposed to be very long. Many times I think I write too much as a response. It's not a chat room, but it's not necessary to only post one long document at a time.

That is not the case at all. The forum is meant to express feelings and have discussions - no matter how long the post is.
[Image: poptartFINALTINY.gif]
[Image: log.png?t=1302647037]
(08-11-2011, 12:54 AM)CoderRyne Wrote: Ming-Yan, I see you took the time to copy and paste your friendly message from my other thread and post it on this one. You want your moderator position back, yet you can't even read my thread and give a decent response? If you don't care enough about the community to read a thread that is backed by the staff that is meant to help the community, then I don't see any reason why you should get your position back. Sorry.
I never copied anything, I simply said this is a message board. Also, do not bring off topic things into this.
[Image: siggggg.gif?t=1312782506]

[Image: signature.png?t=1312081740]
Ryne Thiel
I shall use this strategy.
That is why I only have 4 forum posts right now. I shan't reply unless I truly have something useful to say.
Thanks for taking the time to right this. Smile
[Image: OAgDZ.png]
(08-11-2011, 02:40 AM)Jupiter Wrote: I shall use this strategy.
That is why I only have 4 forum posts right now. I shan't reply unless I truly have something useful to say.
Thanks for taking the time to right this. Smile

Excellent! I'm so happy that you are following my posting strategy. You will get far on Buildism very quickly by going by my example.

Not a problem; it's people like you who make me want to make these threads in the first place.
Ryne Thiel

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