Hello everyone,

As I have hinted in my thank-you thread in the moderator discussion forum, I will be taking the opportunity to create a thread regarding expectations. Well, I'm taking the opportunity right now with this thread, so here you go.

I'm sure that all of you have expectation for me, just as I have certain expectations for myself - and even a few reasonable ones for you guys for that matter.

I am plenty aware of the community's expectations for me, so right now, I'm asking for all of your expectations. I know some of you are thinking of replying with, "Just do your job right", or, "Don't screw up and let us all down", but that wasn't what I was getting at. I'd appreciate specific expectations from all of you so that I can measure my actions according to your expectations. Of course, I will be using my own judgement too, but I'll make sure that as always, when I take a moderation action into consideration, I will look to a professional standpoint for assistance. Yes, I do have my own professional standpoint of course, so finding someone else for one won't be necessary. Please feel free to give me all of your input.

The expectations that I have for myself are very high. I will not be doing anything less than my best, so please don't worry about that. I'll be supervising myself in my own actions to do my job to the best of my ability. That may include the following aspects of my position:

1.) Keeping my work professional (Obviously)
2.) Staying as active as I am now.
3.) Keeping clean with the community by not ever lying (which is a policy of mine due to my religion) or "abusing powers" in either the community's eyes or the staff team's eyes.
4.) Working quickly but efficiently.
5.) Actively foruming.
6.) Keeping a positive attitude at all times.
7.) Being kind and respectful to my fellow staff members and the community.

My list is by no means limited to these aspects. You guys could add on to this list.

My expectations for the staff team are very simple: I wish to be treated with respect at all times just as I would treat all of you with respect, and I want to see you all doing your jobs to the best of your abilities. I know - I'm not the community manager, so I can't really enforce my second expectation, but that doesn't mean that I will not be disappointed if one of you decides to ignore your responsibilities. After all, we're supposed to be a team, correct? Let's keep it that way. Furthermore, to keep ourselves running smoothly and professionally, I will have that expectation of you guys. I will address any problems that I see now or any time in the future with the staff team.

Some of you don't know this, but after working with many professional game teams in the past, I go by a professional standpoint at almost, if not, all times. I can use my judgement when to take this standpoint off my chest or put it back on when necessary. What's my point? My point is, I hope to see great things from you guys just as I'm going to assume that you guys hope to see great things from me.

Thank you.
Ryne Thiel
My expectation of you is that you learn from your's and other's mistakes and will hopefully put an influence (inspire, if you like) on others to keep them working to the best of their abilities.
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
Alright, that's very reasonable. I'll make sure that I will continue to comply with that expectation of yours. Thanks!
Ryne Thiel
Uhh, there is actually one thing you need to keep quet about- Jupiter is Glome. He's trusting the staff in not telling his secret because he wants a fresh start in the community.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
Absolutely understood. I would never even have considered telling anyone this. I'm not trying to pick fights with anyone when I state this, but we need to respect everyone's privacy. With that said, I don't approve of Buildism staff posting IP logs for the community to see, even if the IPs are covered. I already made my point to Ashely, but I think she disagreed with me on this one. Regardless, I'm going to push a new staff-based rule to prevent any staff member from posting these logs in the future.

These logs give away alt accounts from users to the community. I don't care if the user did something wrong or not, or even if this member "deserved it". Posting these logs violates their privacy, and quite frankly, It's none of the community's business to view these IP logs that list *possible* alternative accounts.

The other day, as many of you know, a moderator (Paradox) posted an IP log for Kieron on the public forum. All of his alts, and even an innocent member who did nothing wrong (other than logging into Kieron's account because Kieron told him to) was banned without proper evidence that this member was Kieron. He was banned only because he was on the IP log list, and that is where I must step in and say that this, right here, is completely unacceptable.

What if I logged into Kieron's account? Would I be framed as Kieron too and be banned? That's just one reason why posting these logs on the public community forums is a bad idea.

Another reason would be this: What if you guys posted my IP log? What if I had alternative accounts that I didn't want people to know about? What if I was framed for being someone who I am not by the public? I rest my case.

So, with all of that said, let me tell you how this relates to Jupiter being Glome. What if I decided to post his IP log on the public forums for the community's viewing? Wouldn't that be just as wrong as doing the same thing when it comes down to Reterator being Kieron? I rest my case again.
Ryne Thiel
We never actually posted anyone's IP logs before, but atleast one mod, including me have commented on Nice's alternative accounts before for him to stop making accounts. He has 14 accounts that he doesn't use and that just spams-up the site with unwanted accounts all trailing to the same user.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
(08-14-2011, 07:18 PM)Interwebs Wrote: We never actually posted anyone's IP logs before, but atleast one mod, including me have commented on Nice's alternative accounts before for him to stop making accounts. He has 14 accounts that he doesn't use and that just spams-up the site with unwanted accounts all trailing to the same user.

I have no doubt that this is true, but I cannot stand and I will not stand IP logs being posted on the public forums for any reason whatsoever. You've seen my reasoning for making this statement. I hope you understand that I'm quite serious that this is completely wrong, even if the IPs are not showing. It's important that this is outlawed in the near future so that we don't have any further problems awaiting us as we move on in time.

I just reinstalled Steam and bought a cheap game, I guess. Add JCoderRyne when you get the chance. I'm looking forward to meeting with you all.
Ryne Thiel
(08-14-2011, 07:06 PM)CoderRyne Wrote: Absolutely understood. I would never even have considered telling anyone this. I'm not trying to pick fights with anyone when I state this, but we need to respect everyone's privacy. With that said, I don't approve of Buildism staff posting IP logs for the community to see, even if the IPs are covered. I already made my point to Ashely, but I think she disagreed with me on this one. Regardless, I'm going to push a new staff-based rule to prevent any staff member from posting these logs in the future.

These logs give away alt accounts from users to the community. I don't care if the user did something wrong or not, or even if this member "deserved it". Posting these logs violates their privacy, and quite frankly, It's none of the community's business to view these IP logs that list *possible* alternative accounts.

The other day, as many of you know, a moderator (Paradox) posted an IP log for Kieron on the public forum. All of his alts, and even an innocent member who did nothing wrong (other than logging into Kieron's account because Kieron told him to) was banned without proper evidence that this member was Kieron. He was banned only because he was on the IP log list, and that is where I must step in and say that this, right here, is completely unacceptable.

What if I logged into Kieron's account? Would I be framed as Kieron too and be banned? That's just one reason why posting these logs on the public community forums is a bad idea.

Another reason would be this: What if you guys posted my IP log? What if I had alternative accounts that I didn't want people to know about? What if I was framed for being someone who I am not by the public? I rest my case.

So, with all of that said, let me tell you how this relates to Jupiter being Glome. What if I decided to post his IP log on the public forums for the community's viewing? Wouldn't that be just as wrong as doing the same thing when it comes down to Reterator being Kieron? I rest my case again.

I quite agree, IP logs should not be shown to the rest of the community and should stay a private subject. Another thing to think of here is the IP exposed-member may feel quite bad at the fact that a lot of people know what other accounts they own and quit, and even if they don't quit they may be shunned by others, and will especially dislike the exposer.
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
[Image: Animated.gif?t=1314294800]
Ryne, I can't find you on Steam, maybe you can add me? My username is Fat Sacks.
[Image: 76561198037039305.png]
[Image: nmdd7o.gif]
I rest my case for a third time, your honor. Lol...
(08-14-2011, 08:39 PM)CoderRyne Wrote: I rest my case for a third time, your honor. Lol...

Added, Fat Sacks.
Ryne Thiel

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