Scene 4 of my play for Drama
(Grabski and Un-named are found passed-out on a desert shore)
Grabski: Ugh...(Gets up)
(Grabski moves about, losing balance)
Grabski: Un-named...(Falls and gets back up) Unnamed...
Un-named: My friend...(Coughs)... It is too late...
Grabski: No it's not!
Grabski: (Picks up 'radio')
Grabski: Command(Cough), come in(cough)... Send re-inforcements(Cough), I'm throwing(cough) flares...
Commands(Farhan): Roger that, we are sending 20 infantry, and 2 medics, give atleast 5 minutes. Out.
Grabski: Five(cough) minutes...
Un-named: It'll(cough) do...
Grabski: That is won(cough)derful... Enemies dead (cough) ahead...
Un-named: Take my weapon, defend for as long---------------------
(Un-named passes out)
(Grabski regains conciouseness and takes 'weapon')
Grabski: Come at me!
(Grabski engages in a 'gun fight' with enemy 'soldiers' for 5 minutes)
Grabski: No... Passing... Out...
('helicopter' flies in and destroys all 'enemies')
('helicopter' drops 'troops(Farhan and Dodge)')
Soldier 1(Dodge): Smotri, von tam!(Smotree von dam[Look, over there!])
Soldier 2(Farhan): Chto?(Shtow[What?])
Soldier 1(Dodge): Vyzhivshie(Voovuvshare[Survivors!])
(Soldier 1 & 2 run over to Grabski and Un-named)
Soldier 1(Russian Accent): My friend! Come on, get up!
Soldier 2(Russian Accent): We need to get these men to the helicopter!
Soldier 1: What!?
Soldier 1: These men are weak! We can't afford to let them be bounced about in the air!
Soldier 2: Podumai o sebe!(Podoomi o sebeair[Go screw yourself])
Soldier 1: Ne govorite so mnoi tak!(Ne gavoritea so nemo tak[Don't talk to me like that!])
(Soldier 3(Brown) ropes down)
Soldier 3: Chto zdes proiskhodit!?
Soldier 3: We should be saving these men, now get to it!
(Soldier 1 and 2 approach Grabski and Un-named and perform CPR)
Grabski: ...Reinforecments?
(Grabski looks over to Un-named, when Grabski looks over, Soldier 2 punches Un-named's chest trying to revive him)
Dodge: ... Those pathetic fools have survived!? For no longer shall they live... They will be on their way to escape from here by taking the highway 50 miles from here... That is where they shall fall...
(Grabski and Un-named stand up)
Soldier 3: You need a ride outta here?
Grabski: That would be helpful! Drop us off at the highway bridge, 50 miles north!
Soldier 3: Roger that!
(SCENE ENDS, All actors go off stage)

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