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I am now blogging because all the cool kids are doing it.

Picture of the day
[Image: 25522_pe_1252538132.jpg]

Wisdom of the day
"If at first you don’t succeed, destroy the evidence that proves you tried."

Something else of the day
WOOO Pokemans

SimCity of the day
I'm such a great mayor. Today I built a bridge to a huge industrial zone and then let a toxic cloud loose over my city. Then demolished all the wreckage and waited patiently for the people to rebuild it. Muahahahahha...
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.
(10-28-2011, 04:33 PM)Hippo_Yay Wrote: SimCity of the day
I'm such a great mayor. Today I built a bridge to a huge industrial zone and then let a toxic cloud loose over my city. Then demolished all the wreckage and waited patiently for the people to rebuild it. Muahahahahha...

In Simcity Creator, I have a city of about 1,100,000.


Another blog post yaaaaay!

Picture of the day
[Image: morans-tm.jpg?w=380&h=370]
America in a nutshell. GO USA! makes that 20x funnier.

Wisdom of the day
Xbox Kinnect is gimmicky.

Something else of the day
More Pokemans! BLASTOISE!!!!!1!!! BLASTOISE!!!!

SimCity of the day
Started a new city because I went into negative money, then my Sims polluted all the water and left because they had nothing to drink and I couldn't do anything about it because I couldn't make anything because I had no money. :S

So I started a new city and it's running smoothly, already at 2000 population. It is only a miniature size city, so the population won't exceed LOL's :doubt:
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.
Blog post.

Picture of the day
I'd may as well rename this section ironic picture of the day. But I won't.
[Image: a90_rust.jpg]

Wisdom of the day
English is a funny language. A fat chance and a slim chance are the same thing.

Something else of the day
Nope. No Pokemans today.

SimCity of the day
I've renamed a local town Yoop, because I can. I also signed a deal to get a maximum security prison in my peaceful city. It was peaceful, until I started another fire (by accident this time). I only signed the deal because I'm in negative money (again) and my financial thingy predicts I will lose even more money. So I also raised the taxes, causing about 1,000 of my Sims to leave my city. Poop.
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.
Fat chance is sarcasm

P.s. nice picture noob
New section. Yay.

Conflict (of the day)

LOL has gone a step too far this time, dubbing my blogging skillz pathetic. Because of this, I am putting a restraining order into action. Ha.
(10-30-2011, 05:10 PM)Duck Wrote: nice picture noob

or maybe your computer is nooby? didn't think about that, did ya now?
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.
(10-30-2011, 08:07 PM)Hippo_Yay Wrote: New section. Yay.

Conflict (of the day)

LOL has gone a step too far this time, dubbing my blogging skillz pathetic. Because of this, I am putting a restraining order into action. Ha.
(10-30-2011, 05:10 PM)Duck Wrote: nice picture noob

or maybe your computer is nooby? didn't think about that, did ya now?

No, the website the picture is hosted on is being nooby by giving people 404s.
Blog post.

Picture of the day
[Image: a90_plane.jpg]
America in a nutshell. Again.

Wisdom of the day
Borrow money from pessimists, they don’t expect to get it back.

Something else of the day
Back to Pokemans.

SimCity of the day
I got back into positive money by a loan, but because I'm @%$! at the game, I'm still losing money and made the police, fire department and the healthcare go on strike by lowering their pay. Now the population has gone back down to 3,000. I really need to learn how to play properly.

Conflict (of the day)
LOL, being American, has shown the true spirit of the USA by launching a pathetic attack on my blog, much like the pathetic attack on that French beach. Whilst the rest of the countries had taken several, the USA took one. And they had the biggest army. I reckon that it's LOL in that "Get a brain! Morans" picture. Ownt.
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.
Another blog post :crazy:

Picture of the day
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ2NlSAKWsxyZQwbXrqj9g...uQWCzHEoEo]

Wisdom of the day
Five out of four people have trouble with fractions. True fact.

Something else of the day

SimCity of the day

Conflict (of the day)
Remember guys, if you live in Japan, you don't like the USA! So support Britain, by doing something to annoy them! Like when you didn't give them Xenoblade and they had a hissy fit!
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.
(11-01-2011, 04:09 PM)Hippo_Yay Wrote: Conflict (of the day)
Remember guys, if you live in Japan, you don't like the USA! So support Britain, by doing something to annoy them! Like when you didn't give them Xenoblade and they had a hissy fit!

Ok this is going a bit far, I smell a country flamewar
[Image: evil-dead-deer.gif]

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