Something needs to be done with this site.
This site hasn't been updated in 2 years, and has been inactive since then. I propose a solution:

Since this website is unused why not restart it? It could have a potential to become a really good sandbox game, and I'd be interested in contributing to it's development, despite the fact I'm a beginner in programming. I'd say we delete everything(including, but not limited to, forum threads, forum posts, skins, games, wiki and users) and bring it back to a clean slate. I know this might seem like a lot of work, but if you would like some help reverting this website to a clean slate, you can count me in. If you plan on archiving this version, you should on a separate subdomain.

We need to have some better anti-trolling, anti-flaming, and anti-personal attack enforcement, since that was basically the fall of 2DWorlds/Buildism, too much trolling. I propose we having a non-compulsory moderator voting system, which happens every 2 months or so, in which moderators are elected. Moderators can serve unlimited terms, but if they are found to be violating the rules, they can be removed from power to prevent any abusing.

So what do you say, Jacob_?
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.
I'm all for it. Someone contact the Q-guy.
[Image: 2eehsib.gif]
And if Jacob doesn't want to / can't update this game anymore, I've learned a lot of Java since I was last here, with help I could possibly pick it up again.
[Image: 2eehsib.gif]
Jacob, what do you say? This forum was a fundamental making of me, and for many of us former users.
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.
I just found out this place was still alive, but yeah we should do it!
[SPOILER][Image: NDIBirc.gif][/SPOILER]
i found out it was still alive too @leon i thought it was fossilized in a coffin with no hopes of coming back and i joined in 2013
why the hell did java make that gay security update its stupid and you have no control over it either
lt would be nice if this place was active again, but I don't think it's going to happen. It only got active because of the flood of people from Roblox in the beginning. I tried Roblox recently and it's actually not crappy now, so advertising alternative sites would probably not be as successful.

And on the technical side, Java is nearly dead now. To get the game to run in Chrome you have to enable plugins in the advancd flags (and Google is going to completely remove the old plugin system soon), mess with your java settings to allow self-signed applets to run, and click through all kinds of warnings. The code is old and nearly impossible to update.

If I had infinite free time I'd remake it using more modern technology, but I don't. I give permission for anyone to use the code, name, and images for a revival project if you really want to. Keep me updated if you bring it back. Smile
How would we get the source code though?
Yeah, where's the source code for this game?

You could always hire volunteers to do your work.

Please stop being homophobic.
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.

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