We should all work together to help Buildism build activity
I'm always lurking around trying to see what I can do to help with the activity but lets face it 5 brains is better then one. I have pretty much ran out of ideas to help except paid advertisements which cost money.

You guys have any ideas?
I got nothing good; maybe post some "Users wanted" threads in non-Roblox forums?
Unless the other forum sites dont mind I dont think we should do that. We should host a referral contest but with that Jacob would need to code a referral link feature if we dont have one.
Post flyers/posters around town/in your neighborhood. Although this might attract certain unwanted types of adults....
Libraries! If you're involved with any public libraries with bulletin boards, ask if you can put up flyers there.

The library system I currently go to doesn't; but the one I grew up with (up until I moved last year) had a nice bulletin board system. They also had a good year-round teen program (I was in it, so were another few now-gone Buildism members) so there was traffic around it. I never thought to put up a poster there; but it might be worth trying.
I think the best way to gain users is by word of mouth. And I predict a boom in active users some time around summer break, when people have more time on their hands.
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