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Klog - The #1 Kieron and Blog mashup all in one!
Okai, so this is pretty much my blog, being my last one wasn't serious.
In here I may post little parts of a story I'm writing, some code of a code I'm writing or just notes I take during the day and other crap.

[Image: 28l9guq.png]
Article 1 - 5/2/2012, 23:16 GMT

Game Review
Game to be reviewed: 8Realms
Developers: JaGeX Ltd.

8Realms is Real-time-strategy(RTS) game developed by JaGeX Ltd., the creators of Runescape. It revolves around the aspects of mankind's progression through the ages, with new technology coming from each age. The game starts off in the Ancient Age, the name for that one is pretty self-explanatory, where the player is ran through a tutorial explaining the function and how the game is played, the only way to get out of this is to complete everything they set you for. The player, at the end of each age, must build, what they call, a wonder - these are based off of real life monuments. In total, there are 8 ages in 8Realms:
Ancient - Based on the Stone Age
Classical - Based on the times of the Romans
Feudal - What we call, the Medieval times
Renaissance - The times after the Black Plague, where countries affected were starting to get back on track.
Imperial - The times of when many European countries started performing major explorations overseas.
Industrial - This is heavily based on World War I, World War II and the Cold War
Modern - Self-explanatory, what our world looks like
Future - Again, self-explanatory, what our world is predicted to be like in later life.

The game used to end after the leading player finished the wonder in the Modern age, for technical reasons. Now, it is the same, but for the Future and slightly changed.

Graphics are, what we call, Pseudo 3D or 2.5D.

There is also a PvP aspect to the game, where most, if not all, players will compete for things scattered across the map in order to progress quicker. This is done by training an army - of course, your units will be based on your current Age in Time. The PvP is rather bland though, as the battle system is pretty much as what's seen below:
[Image: 9zujx2.png]

What I rate the game:
Gameplay - 9/10
Graphics - 5/10
RTS Aspect - 5.2/10
PvP Aspect - 4/10
Overall - 23.2/40

Story St00f
In my free time, and when I'm bothered, I work on a war story - as I am in love with weaponry, and how it all works.

I don't really have much to say at the moment, so I'll just quote something from the first chapter:
I politely said to Nat, "Stealth? My arse. We'll still out like donkey bollocks in a place like that!"

Note to self: Don't use British spelling on an American website
[Image: klog2.jpg]
[Image: AmZJnA9.png]
Beats crocs any day of the week.
[Image: paperboy.PNG]
True beauty.
[Image: 28l9guq.png]
7/2/12 18:11 GMT

Story st00f
Here's the plot
A very small unknown to many island in northern europe, named Sumantrina, is under attack by USA, Britain, Canada, the British Commonwealth, NATO and United Nations. The primary people that Sumantrina fight are the USA and the UK. There are 3 main characters - Nat, Kieron, Alex. Most of the people are based on people I know IRL. And I cba to write the rest of the plot ATM.
(02-07-2012, 06:14 PM)Mustachio Wrote: [align=center][Image: 28l9guq.png]

[Image: 250px-Kkk-carpetbagger-cartoon.jpg]


[Image: full_1303230808klan.jpg]


[Image: Phoenix-Wright.jpg]

Nice stolen icon.
(02-07-2012, 11:49 PM)Luckyone Wrote: Nice stolen icon.


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