Three logic puzzles
For #1, he walks in place.
I think I got it.
No, he walks 300 feet away from the spot where he hangs his hat in what's close enough to a line so as not to matter too much.
He walks between two walls.
Nope. Plausible at first thought, but he could still miss vertically, couldn't he?
(06-11-2012, 10:33 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Nope. Plausible at first thought, but he could still miss vertically, couldn't he?

Tru dat..
#1: His gun is right next to his hat and he just carries a string which is tied to the trigger, but the gun itself stays next to the hat.
Or... he has a cannon 300 feet away which is aimed right at his hat!
Ok, I think I've got this. There are some spiral stairs and at the bottom/middle of them is his hat. He walks up the stairs then throws an object or shoots directly downward, where his hat is.
Nope, none of the three.
(06-11-2012, 11:52 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Nope, none of the three.

Since nobody was able to guess them, here's the solutions to #1 and #3.

1) Bob hangs his hat on his gun.

3) Joe is a dwarf. The highest button he can reach in the elevator is the button for the 25th floor, unless he's carrying his umbrella.
(06-18-2012, 01:15 PM)Qwertygiy Wrote: Since nobody was able to guess them, here's the solutions to #1 and #3.

1) Bob hangs his hat on his gun.

3) Joe is a dwarf. The highest button he can reach in the elevator is the button for the 25th floor, unless he's carrying his umbrella.


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