Trying to make a film grain screen GUI
How would I make this if buildism does not support Animated GIFs?
Fail scripting.
OT: When I posted this, my iCrap keybored was set to French. Don't ask.
(07-09-2012, 05:47 AM)Dignity Wrote: Fail scripting.
OT: When I posted this, my iCrap keybored was set to French. Don't ask.
That didn't help me at all.
You could always manually animate it (Make 10 different pictures and set the script to randomly cycle through them).
(07-09-2012, 07:04 AM)Paradox Wrote: You could always manually animate it (Make 10 different pictures and set the script to randomly cycle through them).

That's what I meant.
Except if the picture doesn't load before its put off...
you have to load them before the gui plays for best effect by leaving them in a tiny gui in the corner for 10 seconds or putting them in the game as a decal on a hidden block
I am a terrible scripter, could somebody script it for me?
It's hard enough to learn the English language let alone LUA.
Alright, basically here's what you do:

Make a bunch of 800 by 800 transparent "grainy" overlays and upload them to tinypic or wherever. If you have a GIF already, separate the layers and make each one into a PNG.

Then, in the World, put something like this in a script:

link(game.Players.ChildAdded, function(player) --this calls it whenever someone joins
if player:isA("Player") then --make sure that we're not trying to put a GUI into some part that ended up here idiotically
local frame = create("UIFrame") -- the main GUI holder
frame.Size = Vec2D(0, 0)
frame.Position = Vec2D(0, 0)
frame.Parent = player.UI -- give it to the player
local overlay = create("UIImageButton")
overlay.Size = Vec2D(0, 0)
overlay.Position = Vec2D(0, 0) --this gets the solid-color background out of the way
overlay.Image = ""
overlay.Parent = frame
-- now we have a non-moving grainy overlay, time to add the flickering
local ns = create("Script")
ns.Name = "Animator"
ns.Source = [[
local images = {"", "", ""}
--put all the URLs in this table like I have done with the examples
lastimage = "" --this so it doesn't keep the same image twice

function getNewRandom()
local randim = math.random(1, #images)
if images[randim] ~= lastimage then
return randim
return getNewRandom()

while true do
local rand = getNewRandom()
script.Parent.Image = images[rand]
lastimage = images[rand]
ns.Parent = overlay
Going to try that right now, thanks Qwerty.

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