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1/10/11 (Multiplayer test... sort of)
Today's update:
  • Parts are made non-collidable when dragging
  • Changes to the Collidable property take effect immediately
  • Tools>Remove Player actually works
  • Chat and the Chatted event (does not work in MP yet)
  • A whole lot of work on multiplayer, build mode particularly

I didn't add tools, but I worked a lot on multiplayer building using the full editor. The following features are implemented:
-Changing properties, adding objects, deleting objects
-Adding hinges and welds
-Starting/stopping the simulation
-Editing scripts; they are locked so only one person can edit them at a time
-Server's console output gets sent to all players
-When you type something in the command bar, it is executed by the server

These things are known NOT to work.
-Copying and pasting
-Loading a new game while connected to a server (this will be disabled)
-Grab tool
-Move to front/back

Characters work, but I disabled them because this test is only for the multiplayer build mode.

This is not the official test so there are a lot of bugs.

To connect, type this in the command bar and hit enter:
game:getService("NetworkClient"):start("", 22015)

Messages In This Thread
1/10/11 (Multiplayer test... sort of) - by Jacob__mybb_import1 - 01-10-2011, 08:06 PM

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