This Game Is Just like roblox Pretty much
1: It's not really. ROBLOX is still better for the most part. Basically, Buildism knocks the socks off (no, decapacitates) ROBLOX's current 2D system, the GUIs. Other than that... Eh. ROBLOX is almost 5 years old, Buildism is almost 5 months old.

2: ROBLOX has 15 million users, a great number of which are 'noobs'. Essentially, for every good, friendly, or experienced ROBLOXian online at one time, there are two temporary, mean, or clueless others and over 2 dozen unused accounts. On Buildism, we have somewhere around 250 users, about 25 of whom are 'dedicated' players who come online at least three times a week.

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