Character Left/Right Script
If you make a left, right, and center version of a skin, you can use this script to make all players of your game use it. The direction they are facing will change appropriately as they move.

[lua]left =""
center = ""
right = ""
character = nil

function propertyChanged(name, value)
if name == "Velocity" then
if value.x == 0 then
character.Skin = center
elseif value.x < 0 then
character.Skin = left
elseif value.x > 0 then
character.Skin = right

function childAdded(newcharacter)
if newcharacter:isA("Character") and game.Players:getChild(newcharacter.Name) ~= nil then
character = newcharacter
character.Skin = center
local c = character.Body:getChild("Controller")
if c ~= nil and c:isA("VelocityController") then
link(c.PropertyChanged, propertyChanged)

link(game.World.ChildAdded, childAdded)[/lua]

I'm thinking about officially adding this to the game. I would put space in the skin file for 2 extra heads, so you can do the effect with just one file, and it will work at any game. Opinions?

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Character Left/Right Script - by Jacob__mybb_import1 - 03-20-2011, 09:15 PM

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