A hypothetical, for you to chew on.
(04-02-2011, 01:55 AM)MrBossMan Wrote: This is a hypothetical conversation between a user and a moderator. This happened in imagination land.

Member: Hey, I've noticed you've been a little irrational, biased, and unfair recently. Could you stop?
Moderator: No way, retard. You're just jealous because I'm a mod and you're not. Leave me alone.
Member: Now that seemed unnecessary. I was simply saying that you had some flaws, based on observations of mine...
Mod: There's nothing wrong with me. Quit flaming me, idiot.
Member: I'm not flaming you. You're the one calling me an idiot and a retard...
Mod: Shut up. You're banned for flaming.

Think about that for a little, and remember that it happened in imagination land, which is neither affiliated with Roblox or Buildism.

Honestly, that was a little exaggerated, was it not? I assure a mod would never say those things, although a normal member of the community may.

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