Poll: Will you help?
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I don't care about you or anything to do with you, so I won't help you. :3 (AKA, GTFO)
0 0%
I'll help you with your skin problem because I'm nice. (Post help Big Grin)
1 100.00%
Total 1 vote(s) 100%
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I can't change skins?
this is what I do:
1. I find a skin in the skin catalog (Lol, don't know what it's called)
2. I click, wear this skin. (whatever it says)
3. It says: You are now wearing this skin.
4. I'm NOT wearing this skin.

I'm sick of this Matrix skin.
(Btw, sorry for any spelling mistakes or bad grammar, it's late and I'm tired)

Messages In This Thread
I can't change skins? - by Naretule - 04-03-2011, 03:51 AM

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