Buildism currency
We should have Buildism currency. You can get Buildism currency every day with 5 Buildism currency. There should be also other ways to earn Buildism currency, by participating in contests, and by referring a friend. A new player would start out with 30 Buildism cash and every day your active, you earn 15 Buildist cash. You can Spend the Buildist cash by geting skins and contents that need a currency to buy. A buildist cash would have a B dollar sign and would be green and be covered by a red circle. A Buildist cash would also have a face of Jacob_ and some of the mods and also me(for suggesting the Buildist cash).
[Image: 1te6tmtu01m.png]
the dogs will take over these countries.

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Buildism currency - by BuildistGuard - 04-04-2011, 04:07 AM

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